Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Preschool Through Primary Grades, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (July 26, 2006) © 2007

  • Jo Ann Brewer University of Massachusetts Lowell
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Table of Contents

Every chapter begins with a “Table of Contents” and “Focus Questions.” Each chapter contains “Summary,” “Reflection,” “Explorations and Activities,” “An Expert Speaks,” “Celebrating Diversity,” “Chapter Summary,” “Key Terms,” “Children with Special Needs” and “Resources for Further Reading.”
Part One: Foundations of Early Childhood Learning

1. Young Children Growing, Thinking, and Learning

Developmentally Appropriate Practice.

Theories of Development

Behaviorist Theory

Maturationist Theory

Constructivist Theory

Multiple Intelligence Theory

Social Learning Theory

Ecological Systems Theory

Theoretical Influences on Teaching

Theoretical Influences on Observations

Children's Development

Physical Development

Social Development

Emotional Development

Intellectual Development

2. Designing Schools for Young Children

Early Schools for Young Children

Key People in Early Childhood Education

Other Influences on Early Childhood Education

Changes in Early Childhood Education

The Child-Care Movement


Head Start

Programs for Children with Special Needs

Early Intervention Programs

Contemporary Models of Early Childhood Programs

The Montessori Model

The Behaviorist Model

The Constructivist Model

Summaries and Comparisons

Research on Program Models

3. Creating an Environment for Learning

Planning a Learning Environment

Structuring a Physical Environment

Room Arrangement

Physical Climate

Assessing the Environment

Instructional Materials

Learning Areas

Beginning the Year

Managing Learning Areas

Planning the Outdoor Environment

Planning for Safety–Inside and Out

4. Planning Learning Activities.

Curriculum Design

Curriculum Organization

Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum

Rationale for an Integrated Curriculum

Selecting a Theme

Implementing the Theme

Evaluating the Theme

Learning Plans

Mandated Lessons and Goals

Multicultural Education and Anti-Bias Curriculum

Computers in Early Childhood Programs

Teaching and Learning with Computers

Young Children Online


Details of the Schedule

Simplifying Routines

Adapting the Schedule

Kindergarten: Half-Day, Full-Day, and Alternate-Day Programs

Other Scheduling Issues

5. Play: Learning at Its Best

Defining Play

Types of Play

Characteristics of Play

Levels of Play

Purposes of Play

Intellectual Development

Social and Emotional Development

Physical Development

Development of Play Behaviors



Early Primary Grades

Middle Childhood

Play in School Settings

Roles of the Teacher

Play in Primary Classrooms

Benefits of Play at School

Selecting Materials for Play

Play as a Teaching Strategy

Communicating the Benefits of Play

Play and Academic Learning

Outdoor Play

6. Guidance

Defining Discipline, Punishment, and Guidance



Planning for Guidance in the Classroom

Preventing Behavior Problems

Strategies for Guiding Behavior

Teaching Skills and Behaviors

Guiding Groups

Making Guidance Decisions

Behavior-Management Systems

Assertive Discipline

Glasser Model

Ginott Model

Dreikurs Model

Assessing Behavior-Management Systems

7. Assessment and Reporting

Defining Assessment and Testing

Types of Assessment

Types of Tests

Testing Young Children

High-Stakes Testing

No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

Strategies for Assessment


Running Narratives or Logs

Incident Records


Anecdotal Records

Checklists and Rating Scales

Records of Conversations, Conferences, and Interviews


Parent Questionnaires


Organizing Assessment Data


Reporting Assessment Data

Report Cards


Student-Led Conferences

Narrative Reports

Telephone Calls

Casual Conversations



Evaluating Assessment and Reporting

Program Assessment

8. Working with Parents and Paraprofessionals

Parent Involvement

Realities of Parent-Teacher Relationships

Implications for Teachers

Encouraging Parent Involvement

Teacher and School Strategies

Parent Roles

Activities for Involving Parents

Communication with Parents

School Handbooks

Home Visits

Parent Visits to School

Letters and Notes


Community Resources

Volunteers in the Classroom

Working with Paraprofessionals

Part Two: Content Area Curriculum
9. Celebrating the Magic of Language

Defining Language

Characteristics of Language

Systems of Language

Learning Language

Sequence of Language Development

Theoretical Models of Language Learning

Teaching Language

Creating an Effective Environment

Standards for Language Development

Observing Language Learners

Providing Activities That Encourage Language Growth

10. Developing Literacy

Defining Literacy

Teacher Qualities that Support Literacy

Evaluating the Research

Understanding How Literacy Develops

Standards for Reading Teachers

Program Elements That Support Literacy

Goals of Literacy Instruction

Standards for Literacy Development

Oral Language and Listening Skills

Music as a Literacy Activity

Reading Aloud and Storytelling

Learning about Print

Attending to Sound

Presenting Selected Text

Commercial Programs for Literacy Instruction

Helping all Children Feel Successful as Literacy Learners

Learning to Write

Development of Writing

Conventions of Written Language

The Writing Process with Young Children

Assessing the Development of Literacy

Observing Oral Language

Observing Writing

Determining Knowledge of Books and Print

Observing Reading

11. Manipulation and Discovery through Mathematics

Defining Mathematics

Learning Mathematics

Teaching Mathematics

Standards for Mathematics Education

The Strand Model

Materials for Mathematics Instruction


Calculators and Computers

Integrating Mathematics into the Curriculum

Mathematics and Play

Mathematics and Literacy

Mathematics and Literature

Assessment of Mathematical

12. Manipulation and Discovery through Science

Defining Science

Learning Science

Manipulation, Observation, and Discovery

The Scientific Process

Teaching Science

Ensuring Safety

Teaching Basic Concepts and Encourage Positive Attitudes

Planning the Sequence of Activities

Standards for Science Education

Integrating Science into the Curriculum

Science and Literacy

13. Encouraging the Creative Arts

The Importance of Art Experiences

Goals of Arts Education

Standards for Arts Education

Visual Arts

Stages in Development

Goals of Visual Arts Experiences

Standards for Visual Arts Education

Suggested Visual Arts Experiences

Art versus Craft Activities


Goals of Music Program

Standards for Music Education


Playing Instruments

Listening Experiences

Approaches to Music Instruction

Movement and Dance

Movement Experiences

Dance Education

Standards for Dance Education


Encouraging Drama

Standards for Drama Education

Roles of the Specialists

Assessing Experiences in the Arts

Integrating the Arts into the Curriculum

14. Living Together: The Social Studies

Defining Social Studies

Learning Social Studies

A Constructivist View

Teaching Social Studies

Multiple Views of the Social Studies Curriculum

Current Expectations

Standards for Social Studies Education

Planning Social Studies Experiences

Integrating Social Studies into the Curriculum

Social Studies Themes

Celebrating Holidays

15. Promoting Wellness: Physical Education and Health, Nutrition, and Safety Education

Physical Education

Encouraging Motor Development

Goals of Physical Development Programs

Standards for Physical Education

Physical Education Activities

Health, Nutrition, and Safety Education

Health Education

Nutrition Education

Safety Education

Integrating Physical Education and Health, Nutrition, and Safety Education into the Curriculum

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