Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (July 23, 2021) © 2014

  • Elizabeth Drake Santa Fe College
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Introduction to JavaScript Programming with XML and PHP focuses on the "how-to" aspects of JavaScript with an emphasis on enhancing and extending websites. The text helps you understand the interaction with server-side technologies. Short examples and running case studies offer a real-world perspective.

Table of Contents

  1. Computer Basics
    • 1. A Brief History of Computers
    • a. What is a Computer?
    • b. Personal Computers
    • c. Today’s Computers
    • 2. A Brief History of the Internet
    • a. Packet switching
    • b. Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
    • i. Try it yourself
    • c. What Is a URL?
    • i. The protocol
    • ii. The web server
    • iii. The domain
    • iv. The path
    • v. Is all that necessary?
    • 3. Computer Basics
    • a. Input
    • b. Processing
    • c. Storage
    • i. Internal memory
    • ii. Mass storage devices
    • d. Output
    • 4. What is Programming?
    • a. The History of Programming
    • i. A brief timeline
    • b. Types of Software
    • i. Application software
    • ii. System software
    • c. Programming and Scripting Languages
    • i. Machine language
    • ii. Assembly language
    • iii. Comparing machine language and assembly language
    • iv. High-level languages
    • v. Writing programs
    • vi. Scripting languages vs. programming languages
    • 5. Browsers
    • a. What Is a Browser?
    • b. Overview of Major Browsers
    • c. How Does A Browser Work?
    • d. Is the World Wide Web the Same As the Internet?
    • e. What Does This Mean To You?
    • 6. JavaScript and the Acronyms: XHTML, DOM, PHP, and XML
    • a. A Brief History of JavaScript
    • b. Web pages and XHTML
    • c. Server-Side and Client-Side Technologies
    • d. JavaScript Overview
    • i. A dynamic language
    • ii. First-class functions
    • iii. A multi-paradigm language
    • iv. How JavaScript is used
    • e. Overview of DOM, PHP, and XML
    • i. The Document Object Model: DOM
    • ii. PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (or Personal Home Page Tools)
    • iii. Extensible Markup Language: XML
    • 7. Keywords
    • 8. Review Exercises
  2. JavaScript Programming Basics
    • 1. What is Programming?
    • a. General problem-solving strategy
    • b. The program development cycle
    • 2. The Structure of a Program
    • a. Input-processing-output
    • i. input
    • ii. processing
    • iii. output
    • b. The control structures
    • i. Sequence
    • ii. Selection
    • iii. Repetition
    • 3. Primary Data Types and Operations on Data
    • a. Numerical data
    • b. String data
    • c. Boolean data
    • d. Variables and Named Constants
    • e. Assignment statements
    • f. Operations on data
    • i. Numeric operations
    • ii. Character and string operations
    • 4. Problem Solving: The Importance of Logical Thinking
    • a. Planning a simple program
    • b. Pseudocode
    • c. Flowcharts
    • 5. JavaScript in the Web Page
    • a. The Tag Pair
    • b. The Tag Pair
    • c. JavaScript in a Web Page
    • d. JavaScript in the document
    • e. The Event
    • 6. Introduction to Objects
    • a. What is an Object?
    • b. Properties and Methods
    • c. The Document object
    • d. Dot notation
    • e. The write() method
    • f. The GetElementById() method
    • g. The open() and close() methods
    • 7. Introduction to JavaScript Functions and Events
    • a. Introduction to Functions
    • i. Parameters
    • ii. The prompt() function
    • b. Introduction to Events
    • i. Event-driven programming
    • 8. Putting it to Work
    • a. A Brief Explanation
    • b. Greg’s Gambits: Enter the player’s name
    • c. Carla’s Classroom: Enter the student’s name and age
    • 9. Keywords
    • 10. Review Exercises
    • 11. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  3. Building Blocks: Variables and Operators
    • 1. What is a Variable?
    • a. Memory locations
    • b. Variable names
    • c. Declaring variables
    • 2. Data Types
    • a. A loosely typed language
    • b. Numbers
    • c. Strings and characters
    • d. Named constants
    • 3. Arithmetic Operators and Some Important Functions
    • a. The modulus operator
    • b. The hierarchy of operations
    • c. The concatenation operator
    • d. Parsing Integers and floating point numbers
    • i. Using ParseInt()
    • ii. Using ParseFloat()
    • 4. Relational Operators
    • a. ASCII code
    • b. Relational operators
    • 5. Logical Operators and the Conditional Operator
    • a. Logical operators
    • b. Boolean logic and Boolean operators
    • c. The order of operations for logical operators
    • d. The conditional operator
    • 6. Putting it to Work
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Creating Your Own Story
    • i. Developing the program
    • ii. Writing the code
    • iii. The CharAt() function
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: A Spelling Lesson
    • i. Developing the program
    • ii. The functions
    • iii. Finishing up
    • 8. Keywords
    • 9. Review Exercises
    • 10. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  4. Making Decisions: the Selection Structure
    • 1. What if? Types of Selection Structures
    • 2. The Single Alternative Structure: the if... Clause
    • 3. The Dual Alternative Structure: the if...else... Clause
    • 4. Nested Selection Structures
    • 5. Compound Conditions
    • a. Combining Relational and Logical Operators
    • i. Logical operators revisited
    • ii. a note about syntax
    • iii. Using ANDs and ORs
    • 6. The Multiple Alternative Selection Structures
    • a. The if...else if... Structure
    • b. Error Checking: Just the Beginning
    • c. The switch Statement
    • 7. Putting it to Work
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Madame Vadoma Knows All!
    • i. the Math object
    • ii. the Math.random() and Math.floor() methods
    • iii. Developing the program
    • iv. Writing the code
    • v. Putting it all together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: An Arithmetic Lesson
    • i. Developing the program
    • ii. The return; statement
    • iii. The counter
    • iv. Getting ready to code
    • 1. The plan
    • v. The code in pieces
    • 1. Level One code
    • 2. Level Two code
    • 3. Level Three code
    • 4. A comment about checking the counter
    • vi. Putting it all together
    • vii. Finishing up
    • 8. Keywords
    • 9. Review Questions and Exercises
    • 10. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  5. Going Round and Round: the Repetition Structure
    • 1. Computers Don’t Get Bored with Repetition
    • a. Loop basics
    • i. Iterations
    • ii. Writing test conditions
    • 1. Beware the infinite loop!
    • 2. Don't let the user get trapped in a loop!
    • 2. Types of Loops
    • a. Pre-test and Post-test Loops
    • b. The Pre-test while Loop
    • i. Writing test conditions
    • c. The Post-test do...while Loop
    • i. Why use one rather than the other?
    • ii. Formatting the output: the toFixed() method
    • d. Sentinel-controlled Loops
    • i. Formatting the output: the toLowerCase() and toUpperCase() methods
    • e. Counter-controlled loops
    • i. Using a counter
    • ii. Shortcut operators
    • 3. The for Loop
    • a. The for Statement
    • b. The Initial Value
    • c. The Test Condition
    • d. The Increment/Decrement Statement
    • e. The Careful Bean Counter
    • i. Curly braces: do we really need them?
    • 4. Data validation
    • a. The isNan() Method
    • b. Checking for Integers
    • c. Using Compound Conditions for Data Validation
    • d. The charAt() Method
    • e. The length Property
    • 5. Putting it to Work
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Encoding Secret Messages
    • i. What is Encryption?
    • ii. The charCodeAt() and String.fromCharCode() Methods
    • 1. Unicode and ASCII codes
    • 2. The charCodeAt() Method
    • 3. The String.fromCharCodeAt() Method
    • iii. Developing the Program
    • iv. Writing the Code
    • v. Putting It All Together
    • vi. Finishing Up
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: Advanced Arithmetic Lessons
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Writing the Code
    • iii. The Code in Pieces
    • 1. Level One addition code
    • 2. Level Two and Level Three addition code
    • 3. Subtraction
    • iv. Putting It All Together
    • 1. A note about code
    • v. Finishing Up
    • 7. Keywords
    • 8. Review Exercises
    • 9. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  6. Advanced Decisions and Loops
    • 1. Some Simple Schoolroom Statistics
    • a. It All Adds Up
    • b. Computing Averages
    • c. The Range
    • d. Odd and Even
    • e. Integer Accuracy
    • i. The Math.round() method
    • ii. The Math.floor() and Math.ceil() methods
    • 2. To Continue or Not to Continue?
    • a. The break statement
    • b. The continue statement
    • 3. Nested Loops
    • a. Desk Checking
    • b. Different Ways to Nest loops
    • i. Which way should loops be nested?
    • 4. Drawing Shapes and Patterns With Loops
    • a. Drawing Shapes
    • b. Using Loops to Create Patterns
    • c. The mouse events
    • 5. Putting it to Work
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: The Battle Between the Wizard and the Troll
    • i. Developing the Program
    • 1. The button as a link
    • 2. The web pages
    • ii. Writing the Code
    • iii. Putting It All Together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: A Grammar Lesson
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Writing the Code
    • iii. The Code in Pieces
    • 1. The function and the outer loop
    • 2. Check for valid selections
    • 3. Displaying the story
    • iv. Putting It All Together
    • 5. Keywords
    • 6. Review Exercises
    • 7. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  7. Forms
    • 1. What is a Form?
    • a. The Most Basic Form
    • i. The tag pair
    • ii. The submit and reset buttons
    • b. Returning Form Submissions
    • i. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
    • ii. Returning form data by email
    • iii. Returning form data to a program
    • 2. Form Controls
    • a. Radio buttons
    • b. Checkboxes
    • i. The checked property
    • c. Textboxes
    • i. The label, fieldset, and legend elements
    • d. Textarea boxes
    • i. The email action
    • 3. Hidden Fields and Passwords
    • a. The hidden Form Element
    • b. The password Form Element
    • i. The substr() method
    • 4. Selection Lists and More
    • a. Selection lists
    • i. The size attribute
    • ii. The multiple attribute
    • b. Enhancements for Form Elements
    • i. The tabindex attribute
    • ii. The accesskey attribute
    • iii. The onfocus event
    • iv. An introduction to the this keyword
    • v. An image as an OK button
    • 5. Putting it to Work:
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Player Information and Inventory
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Writing the Code
    • 1. The textbox functions
    • 2. The radio buttons function
    • 3. The checkboxes functions
    • iii. Putting it All Together
    • iv. Finishing Up
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: Carla’s Progress Report Form
    • i. Developing the Program
    • 1. Carla’s categories
    • 2. The page design
    • ii. Creating the Form
    • iii. Writing the Code
    • 1. The textbox functions
    • 2. The radio buttons functions
    • 3. The textarea function
    • 4. Generating the email message
    • iv. Putting it All Together
    • 8. Review Exercises
    • 9. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  8. Keeping it Neat: Functions and JavaScript Source Files
    • 1. Functions
    • a. Built-in Functions
    • b. User-defined Functions
    • 2. The Scope of a Variable
    • a. Global variables
    • b. Local variables
    • 3. Sending Information to a Function
    • a. Passing Arguments to Parameters
    • i. The return statement
    • ii. Passing values: a complex issue
    • iii. Passing by value
    • 4. Objects and Object-Oriented Concepts
    • a. The Math Object
    • b. More JavaScript Objects
    • i. Passing by reference
    • ii. The Boolean object
    • 1. The new keyword
    • iii. The Date object
    • 1. The setTimeout() function
    • 5. JavaScript Source Files
    • a. Work Smarter, Not Harder
    • b. Creating and Accessing a JavaScript Source (.js) file
    • i. JavaScript source files cascade
    • c. Create a Library of Functions
    • 6. Putting it to Work:
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Hangman
    • i. Developing the program
    • 1. The man in the noose
    • 2. The secret words
    • ii. Writing the code
    • 1. The startHangman() function
    • 2. The setCharAt() function
    • 3. The replace() method and regular expressions
    • 4. The revised checkWord() function
    • iii. Finishing up
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: Reading Comprehension
    • i. Creating the first page
    • ii. Writing the code
    • 1. Password protection
    • 2. The first web page
    • 3. Use the visibility property to create a hidden button
    • 4. Building the page with questions
    • 5. What the student sees
    • iii. Putting it all together
    • iv. Finishing up
    • 8. Review Exercises
    • 9. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  9. Arrays
    • 1. One-Dimensional Arrays
    • a. Creating an Array in JavaScript
    • b. The Array object
    • i. The length property
    • ii. Some methods of the Array object
    • 2. Populating Arrays
    • a. Loading Arrays Directly
    • b. Loading Arrays Interactively
    • c. Displaying Arrays
    • d. Why Use Arrays?
    • 3. Using Array Methods
    • a. The push() Method
    • b. The unshift() Method
    • c. The splice() Method
    • 4. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
    • a. Introduction to Two-Dimensional Arrays
    • b. Declaring and Filling Two-Dimensional Arrays
    • 5. Putting it to Work:
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: The Game of 15
    • i. Developing the Program
    • 1. Setting the stage
    • 2. Creating the array with the setup() function
    • 3. Populating the array with the Math.random() function
    • 4. The code to exchange cell values
    • 5. The code to check for a winner
    • ii. Putting It All Together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: Images and Imagination
    • i. Setting Things Up
    • ii. Developing the Program
    • 1. Setting the stage
    • 2. The image swap
    • a. Practice the image swap
    • 3. The slide show
    • iii. Putting It All Together
    • 10. Review Exercises
    • 11. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  10. Searching and Sorting
    • 1. Sorting Arrays
    • a. The sort() method
    • b. Sorting numbers with the sort() method
    • c. The reverse() method
    • 2. The Bubble Sort
    • a. Swapping values
    • b. Using the Bubble Sort Algorithm
    • c. Passing Arrays
    • 3. The Selection Sort
    • 4. Searching Arrays: the Serial Search
    • a. Using the Serial Search With Parallel Arrays
    • 5. Searching Arrays: the Binary Search
    • a. The Binary Search
    • b. Making Life Easier: the indexOf() Method
    • i. The indexOf() method
    • ii. The lastIndexOf() method
    • iii. Time out! Using the setInterval() method
    • 6. Putting it to Work:
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Greg’s Boggle
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Setting the Stage
    • 1. Creating the boggle() function
    • 2. The toString() method
    • 3. The boggle() function
    • iii. Putting it All Together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: A Factoring Lesson
    • i. Factoring Integers
    • ii. Developing the Program
    • iii. Setting the Stage
    • iv. The Code in Pieces
    • 1. The external file
    • 2. The beginning
    • 3. Selecting the number and some housekeeping tasks
    • 4. Getting student responses
    • v. Putting it All Together
    • 7. Review Exercises
    • 8. Programming Challenges
    • c. On Your Own
    • d. Case Studies
    • v. Greg’s Gambits
    • vi. Carla’s Classroom
    • vii. Lee’s Landscape
    • viii. Jackie’s Jewelry
  11. The Document Object Model and XML
    • 1. The Document Object Model: DOM
    • a. A Brief History of DOM
    • b. DOM Nodes and Trees
    • c. The Family: the Parent-Child Model
    • d. Creating and Inserting Elements
    • i. The createTextNode() method
    • e. Replacing and Removing Elements
    • i. The removeChild() method
    • ii. The replaceChild() method
    • iii. The childNodes property
    • 2. Using DOM Methods with Timers and Styles
    • a. The setAttribute() and getAttribute() Methods
    • b. The setInterval() and clearInterval() Methods
    • 3. XML Basics
    • a. What is XML?
    • b. Why Do We Need XML?
    • c. XML Components
    • i. The XML declaration
    • ii. XML elements
    • iii. Comments and filenames
    • iv. XML attributes
    • v. XML entities
    • vi. Whitespace
    • vii. Well-formed documents
    • d. XML Parsers and DTDs
    • i. XML internal DTDs
    • ii. XML external and public DTDs
    • 4. Adding Style and XSL Transformations
    • a. Using Cascading Style Sheets with XML Documents
    • b. The Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
    • i. One important note
    • 5. XML Namespaces and Schemas
    • a. XML Namespaces
    • i. The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
    • ii. Namespace declarations
    • b. XML Schemas
    • i. Creating a reference to a schema in an XML document
    • ii. There’s more...
    • c. XML Schema Datatypes
    • d. Creating an XML Schema
    • 6. Putting it to Work:
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: Greg’s Avatars
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Setting the Stage
    • iii. Creating the XML, XSL, and JavaScript Pages
    • 1. Creating the XML page
    • 2. Creating the XSL page
    • 3. Creating the JavaScript page and DOM code
    • iv. Putting it All Together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: A Spelling Lesson
    • i. Developing the Program
    • ii. Setting the Stage
    • iii. The Code in Pieces
    • 1. The functions to extract values from the selected image and spelling
    • 2. The function to compare the values
    • 3. The function to check for success
    • iv. Putting it All Together
    • 7. Review Exercises
    • 8. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  12. PHP: An Overview
    • 1. A Brief History of PHP
    • a. What Does a Server Do?
    • i. HTTP get and post request types
    • b. The Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, and PHP
    • i. The Apache HTTP server
    • ii. The MySQL database
    • iii. PHP and XAMPP
    • 2. XAMPP
    • a. Installing XAMPP
    • i. Security
    • ii. The license
    • iii. The install
    • b. Try It Out
    • i. Let’s get started
    • ii. Your first PHP program
    • 3. PHP Basics
    • a. PHP Filenames, the htdocs Folder, and Viewing Your PHP Pages
    • b. Variables and Methods
    • i. Converting datatypes with the settype() and gettype() methods
    • ii. Converting datatypes with type casting
    • c. PHP Keywords
    • d. Operators
    • i. Unary operators
    • ii. Binary operators
    • 1. Operator precedence
    • iii. Ternary operators
    • iv. Concatenation operators
    • 4. Using Conditionals and Loops
    • a. Making Decisions: the Selection Structure
    • i. The echo construct
    • ii. The switch statement
    • b. Cycling Through: Repetitions and Loops
    • 5. Arrays and Strings
    • a. Arrays
    • i. The reset() method
    • ii. The foreach construct, the as keyword, and the ==> operator
    • iii. The key() method
    • b. Why Are We Learning All This?
    • c. Working With Strings
    • i. Comparing strings
    • ii. Searching for expressions: the preg_match() and preg_replace() methods
    • 6. Putting It To Work
    • a. Greg’s Gambits: PHP Welcome Messages
    • i. Developing a new format for Greg’s pages: organizing a site
    • ii. The header and footer files
    • iii. Setting the stage
    • iv. The ajax_post() function
    • 1. The onclick="javascript:ajax_post()"; event
    • 2. The ajaxDataPipe.php page
    • v. Putting it all together
    • b. Carla’s Classroom: Using PHP for Hints
    • i. Developing the program
    • 1. The folders
    • 2. The header.php file
    • 3. The footer.php file
    • 4. The carla_phpDemo.php file
    • 5. The showHint() function
    • 6. The gethint.php file
    • 7. The $_GET superglobal variable
    • 8. The count() method
    • 9. The strtolower() method
    • ii. Putting it all together
    • 7. Review Exercises
    • 8. Programming Challenges
    • a. On Your Own
    • b. Case Studies
    • i. Greg’s Gambits
    • ii. Carla’s Classroom
    • iii. Lee’s Landscape
    • iv. Jackie’s Jewelry
  13. Using PHP with Cookies and MySQL
    • 1. Cookies
    • a. Types of Cookies
    • b. Writing Cookies
    • i. The time() function
    • ii. Writing and reading your first cookie
    • iii. The define() method
    • iv. The isset() method
    • v. The $_SERVER(‘PHP_SELF’) method
    • 2. A Database Server: MySQL
    • a. An Overview of MySQL
    • i. The license
    • b. Setting Up a MySQL User Account
    • i. Create a new user
    • ii. Assigning privileges
    • c. The Database Structure
    • d. Building a Small Business Database
    • i. Jackie’s tables
    • ii. The primary key and the foreign key
    • iii. Table fields
    • iv. Field attributes
    • e. Creating the Database With phpMyAdmin
    • i. Create the jackiejewelry database
    • 3. Populating a Database From the Web
    • a. The Web Page Form
    • i. The die() method
    • ii. The mysql_error() method
    • iii. The mysql_query() method
    • iv. The mysql_connect() method

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