Leading Six Sigma: A Step-by-Step Guide Based on Experience with GE and Other Six Sigma Companies, 1st edition

Published by FT Press (November 1, 2002) © 2003

  • Ron D. Snee
  • Roger Hoerl
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This book fills a gap by providing a step by step approach to the management of the overall Six Sigma process, not just individual projects. It provides more detailed and specific advice on how to actually deploy Six Sigma than anything on the market. It focuses on practical managerial advice.



1. So You Want to Do Six Sigma?

Why You Need This Book. An Overview. Roles of Six Sigma Leaders. Summary. References.

2. Four Case Studies: What Works and What Doesn't.

Inside GE's Experiences. The First Year--1996. The Push for Tangible Benefits. DFSS and a Critical Mass of Green Belts. A Refocus on Customers. Digitization and Six Sigma. A Reinvigoration. The W. R. Grace Story. Less Successful Six Sigma Deployments. Summary. References.

3. How to Successfully Deploy Six Sigma.

Why Were GE and Grace Successful? Why Were Others Less Successful? The Keys to Successful Six Sigma Deployment. A High-Level Roadmap For Six Sigma Deployment. Summary. References.

4. Launching the Initiative.

Full or Partial Deployment? Developing the Deployment Plan. Deployment Plan Elements. Selecting the Right Projects. The Concept of Process Entitlement. Developing the Project Charter. Selecting the Right People. What Training Do I Need? Selecting a Six Sigma Provider. Summary. References.

5. Managing the Effort.

Managerial Systems and Processes. Management Project Reviews. Project Reporting and Tracking System. Communication Plan. Reward and Recognition Plan. Project Identification/Prioritization System. Inclusion of Six Sigma in Budgeting Processes. Deployment Processes for Leaders. Integrating Six Sigma with Current Management Systems. Summary.

6. Sustaining Momentum and Growing.

Playing Defense--Sustaining Momentum. Playing Offense--Growing the Effort. Summary. References.

7. The Way We Work.

Integrating Six Sigma With Process Management Systems. Creating an Overall Organizational Improvement System. Integration of Six Sigma With Other Strategic Initiatives. The Long-Term Impact of Six Sigma. Summary. References.

8. Final Thoughts for Leaders.

Understanding the Role of the Six Sigma Tools--A Case Study. How to Think About the Six Sigma Tools. Advice For Ensuring Project Success. Good Questions to Ask in Project Reviews. Advice for Ensuring Success of the Six Sigma. Initiative. Good Questions to Ask in Reviews of the Overall Initiative. Summary. Additional Six Sigma References.

Deployment Questions and Answers.

General Questions About Six Sigma. Questions Concerning MBB and BB Roles. Project Selection and Review Questions. Training Questions. Questions Concerning Financial Benefits. Other Human Resources Questions. References.

Six Sigma Deployment Plan-An Example. Contents. Introduction. Deployment Plan Elements. Lessons Learned. Key Issues. Action Plan.




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