Managing Business & Professional Communication, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (December 29, 2010) © 2012

  • Carley H. Dodd Abilene Christian University



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  • Puts theory into action with real-world cases and critical incidents, providing opportunities for application, problem solving, and insight into the everyday workplace.
  • Coaches students on practical techniques and strategies for navigating the workplace and the Internet with "Skills at Work" and "The Web at Work" features in each chapter.
  • Helps students understand their own strengths and weaknesses through numerous communication assessments.
  • Prepares students for most entry-level and mid-management positions within sections on customer relations communication, sales and marketing presentations, and briefings/reports, even an elevator speech.
  • Examines the importance of cultural diversity awareness in business, imparting a framework for understanding one's co-workers, increasing satisfaction and productivity in the workplace.
  • Covers conflict in the workplace and conflict management opportunities, offering insight and skills to help students heighten performance and problem solving on the job.
  • Updates coverage of resume writing and goes beyond the traditional, showing students how to create professional looking electronic and scannable resumes along with other written communication skills such as letters and reports.
  • Addresses relational sales skills, identifying competencies such as setting up persuasive interviews and using a consultative relational approach, equipping students with the skills necessary to succeed in what may be their first sales, marketing, or customer service positions.
  • Highlights new communication competencies, based on the most recent surveys of communication proficiency available, including Butcher’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) report, to provide students with focused skills that can be applied in the workplace.
  • Includes additional emphasis on organizational patterns within chapters, to help students clearly identify and follow key points.
  • Places new emphasis on the link between organizational culture and leadership to help students understand the importance of contextualizing leadership within the boundaries of personal style and organizational culture.
  • Features an updated review of customer service communication, giving students the most current information needed to succeed as a communication professional right from the start.
  • Includes a new chapter on listening in the workplace, helping students excel at this crucial skill.
  • Provides concepts and skills for written business communication, and the use of technology and social media




UNIT I            Foundations of Business and Professional Communication


CHAPTER       1          Introducing Business and Professional Communication 1

Communication Gaps in the Workplace

What General Communication Competencies Are Needed in Organizations?

Communication Competencies Expected in Organizations

Definition and Model of Business and Professional Communication

Assumptions About Communication: A Word on Axioms

Business and Professional Communication in Four Contexts

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       2          Managing Leadership Communication in Organizational Cultures

Organizational Culture as a Context for Communication

Features of Organizational Culture

Leadership in Organizational Cultures: Structures and Styles

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




UNIT II          Interpersonal Communication in Business and Professional Communication


CHAPTER       3          Managing Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

Interpersonal Communication Principles in the Workplace

Social Equity Theory

Managing Interpersonal Communication Skills

Managing Social Networking as Interpersonal Communication

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       4          Managing Listening Communication in the Workplace

The Significant of Listening in Organizations

Concepts That Explain Listening Deficits

Avoid Communication Omission

How to Improve Listening Skills

Active Listening

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       5        Managing Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace

Defining Nonverbal Communication

Importance of Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace

Functions and Rules of Nonverbal Communication

Elements of Nonverbal Communication

Using Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       6          Managing Communication Conflict in the Workplace

Conflict in the Workplace

Communication Skills in Managing Conflict

Communication Skills in Managing Negotiation

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       7          Managing Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Definition and Model of Intercultural Communication

Understanding Cultural Diversity

Importance of Managing Cultural Diversity

Intercultural Communication Strategies for Promoting Unity

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




Unit III            Small Groups and Teams in Business and Professional Communication


CHAPTER       8       Managing Group Communication and Workplace Teams

Defining Small-Group Communication

Group Outcomes

Communication Networks in Small Groups

Leadership in Teams and Small Groups

Conducting Results-Oriented Group Communication

Strategies for Conducting Large Group Meetings

Strategies for Team Building in the Workplace

Definition and Model of Teams


How to Facilitate High Functioning Workplace Teams

What Makes a Successful Team?

Outcomes of Successful Teams

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       9          Managing Interviews in the Workplace

Importance of Interviewing

Types of Interviews

Structuring Effective Interviews

Interview Questions

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




UNIT IV         Public Presentations in Business and Professional Communication 


CHAPTER       10        Managing Public Presentations in the Workplace

Importance of Making Public Presentations

Building Credibility

Building Confidence

Consulting for Audience Analysis

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       11        Managing Presentational Skills in the Workplace

Elements of Language Style

Elements of Delivery

Methods of Delivery

Presentation Technology and Communication

Ethics and Presentations

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       12        Managing Informative Presentations in the Workplace

Developing Informative Presentations

Principles for Topic Selection

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       13        Managing Persuasive Presentations in the Workplace

Persuasion Changes or Reinforces Attitudes, Values, Beliefs, and Behaviors

Beginning Theories Underlying Persuasion

Developing Persuasive Presentations

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




CHAPTER       14        Managing Customers and Client Communication and Sales

Definition and Model of Customer Service

Communicating to Enhance Customer Service

Changing the Organizational Culture to Enhance Customer Service

Managing Sales Presentations in the Workplace

Principles of Sales Communication

Strategies for Effective Sales Communication

In Perspective

Discussion Questions




What Can You Do with a Communication Major ?


Appendix A:  Communication Style in the Workplace

Appendix B:  Changes in Organizational Cultures

Appendix C: Communication Networks in the Workplace

Appendix D: Written Communication in the Workplace: Reports, Proposals, Resumes, Letters, and Email Etiquette

Appendix E:  Speech Evaluation Forms




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