Maritime Structural Fitter, Level 2, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (May 21, 2014) © 2015

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  • A print text (paperback)

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This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Cutting and Burning Processes, Plasma Arc Cutting, Advanced Structural Print Reading, Fitting Two.

Ordering Options

PAPERBACK ISBNTrainee Guide: $94 978-0-13-383066-8
Instructor’s Guide: $94 978-0-13-383074-3 Instructor’s Guide includes access code to download TestGen software, module exams, and performance profile sheets from
MODULES (227.5 Hours)
All of the modules listed below are included in the Trainee and Instructor Guide(s). The following ISBN and pricing information is for ordering individual modules only.

Cutting and Burning Processes (40 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378724-5
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378730-6
(Module ID 86201-14) Expands on flame cutting methods covered in Level 1, including laying out and cutting bevels, chamfers, and circles. Also covers the methods used to cut or split common structural components such as beams and bars.

Plasma Arc Cutting (7.5 Hours)
(Module ID 29103-09; from Welding Level One)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-610529-9
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-610507-7

Advanced Structural Print Reading (40 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378725-2
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378731-3
(Module ID 86202-14) Covers interpretation of fabrication and installation drawings, sketching of isometric and orthographic drawings, and interpretation of welding symbols.

Fitting Two (140 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378729-0
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378735-1
(Module ID 86203-14) Explains selection and application of gaskets and packings, fit-up tasks, and inspection of finished work. Also covers structural accessories, proper measuring techniques, and creating a materials list.

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