My Smart Home for Seniors, 1st edition

Published by Que Publishing (June 19, 2017) © 2018

  • Michael R. Miller
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This full-colour introduction to the smart home has been written from the ground up with one audience in mind: seniors. No ordinary "beginner's book," My Smart Home for Seniors approaches every topic from a senior's point of view, using meaningful, realistic examples.

With large text, close-up screen shots, and a pleasing design, this easy tutorial is designed to be read comfortably by practically anyone. Michael Miller assumes absolutely no prior experience with smart home products and technologies, but he never talks down to you.

My Smart Home for Seniors covers all the major smart home systems (Google, Apple, Amazon, and more), as well as best-selling controller hubs such as Amazon's Echo and Dot and Google's Home. You’ll find complete coverage of popular smart home devices for lighting, heating/cooling, home security, cooking, entertainment, and more. Miller shows how to connect a smart home to smart community grids and services, helps you avoid potential privacy and security pitfalls, and previews the future of smart homes. Best of all, Miller doesn’t just teach you concepts: he guides you through choosing, installing, and using the best smart home technologies for you: the ones that can really improve your life.

  • 1. What is a Smart Home? And What Makes It So Smart?
  • 2. How Smart Home Technology Can Make Your Life Easier and Safer
  • 3. Choosing a Smart Home System
  • 4. Using Amazon Echo and Amazon Dot
  • 5. Using Google Home
  • 6. Using Apple HomeKit
  • 7. Using Other Smart Home Hubs and Systems
  • 8. Automating Your Home Lighting
  • 9. Automating Your Kitchen
  • 10. Automating Your Entertainment
  • 11. Automating Reminders and Alerts
  • 12. Automating Heating and Cooling
  • 13. Automating Home Security
  • 14. Automating Personal Security
  • 15. Automating Lawn Care
  • 16. Using Smart Technology for Assisted Living
  • 17. Using Other Smart Devices and Applications
  • 18. Connecting to the Smart Grid
  • 19. Privacy and Security Concerns
  • 20. What's Next?

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