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OpenGL Programming Guide: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 4.5 with SPIR-V, 9th edition
Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (July 25, 2016) © 2017
- John Kessenich ARM, Inc.
- Graham Sellers ARM, Inc.
- Dave Shreiner ARM, Inc.
- Available for purchase from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
Price Reduced From: $69.99
- A print text
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- Also available for purchase as an ebook from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
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OpenGL® Programming Guide, Ninth Edition, provides clear explanations of OpenGL functionality and techniques, including processing geometric objects with vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders using geometric transformations and viewing matrices; working with pixels and texture maps through fragment shaders; and advanced data techniques using framebuffer objects and compute shaders.
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