Principalship, The: A Reflective Practice Perspective, 7th edition

Published by Pearson (December 11, 2020) © 2015

  • Thomas J. Sergiovanni
  • Reginald Leon Green

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ISBN-13: 9780133261714 (2020 update)

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Part 1: The Moral Dimension
1. Setting the Stage: Administering as a Moral Craft

Part 2: Toward a New Theory of Principal Leadership
2. The Principal's Job Today and Tomorrow
3. The Limits of Traditional Management Theory
4. A New Theory for the Principalship
5. The School as a Moral Community

Part 3: Providing Leadership
6. The Forces of Leadership and the Culture of Schools
7. The Stages of Leadership: A Developmental View
8. Leading in a Community of Leaders

Part 4: Instructional Leadership
9. Characteristics of Successful Schools
10. Becoming a Community of Mind
11. Teaching, Learning, and Community
12. Instructional Leadership, Supervision, and Teacher Development
13. Clinical Supervision, Coaching, Peer Inquiry, and Other Supervisory Practices

Part 5: Motivation, Commitment, and Change
14. Motivation, Commitment, and the Teacher's Workplace
15. The Change Process


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