Social Welfare: A History of the American Response to Need, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (January 25, 2021) © 2018

  • Mark J. Stern University of Pennsylvania
  • June Axinn Deceased
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1. Introduction: How to Think About Social Welfare’s Past (and Present)

2. The Colonial Period: 1647—1776

3. The Pre—Civil War Period: 1777—1860

4. The Civil War and After: 1860—1900

5. Progress and Reform: 1900—1930

6. The Depression and the New Deal: 1930—1940

7. War and Prosperity: 1940—1968

8. Conservative Resurgence and Social Change: 1968—1992

9. Social Welfare and the Information Society: 1992—2016




1. Introduction: How to Think About Social Welfare’s Past (and Present)

DOCUMENT: Introduction

            An Act for the Relief of the Poor, 43 Elizabeth, 1601


2. The Colonial Period: 1647—1776

The Poor Laws in the Colonies

Conquest, Expansion, and Population Growth: Native Americans, Immigration, and Slavery

Social Change and the Challenge to the Poor Laws

Veterans: A Special Class

DOCUMENTS: The Colonial Period

            An Act of Supplement to the Acts Referring to the Poor, Massachusetts Bay, 1692

            The Binding of Moses Love, 1747


3. The Pre—Civil War Period: 1777—1860

Social and Economic Conditions

            Population Growth and Migration

            Slavery and Free Labor

Reform and Social Change

            Labor Unrest

            Religious Reform and Jacksonian Democracy

            The Expansion of Public Education

            The Expansion of Suffrage

            Moral Reform

Social Welfare Programs and Services


            Child Saving

            Retreat from the Almshouse

DOCUMENTS: The Pre—Civil War Period

            The First Annual Report of the Managers of the Society for the Prevention of Pauperism in the City of New York, 1818

            Constitution, By-Laws, &c., of the Female Orphan Asylum of Portland, Maine, 1828

            President Franklin Pierce: Veto Message–An Act Making a Grant of Public Lands to the Several States for the Benefit of Indigent Insane Persons, 1854


4. The Civil War and After: 1860—1900

Changing Economic and Demographic Realities

            Population Changes

            Naturalization and Citizenship

            Regional Shifts

            The Aging: The Group That Was Left Behind

Innovations in Social Welfare Services

            The Welfare of Soldiers and Veterans

            Social Welfare: Reconstruction and the Freedmen’s Bureau

            Social Welfare and Urban Expansion

            The Charity Organization Movement

            The Settlement House Movement

            A New View of Child Welfare

Social Movements During the Late 19th Century: The Reform Impulse

            The Social Welfare of Women

            The Labor Movement

            The Agrarian Movement


DOCUMENTS: The Civil War and After

            An Act to Provide for the Relief of Indigent Soldiers, Sailors and Marines, and the Families of Those Deceased, 1887

            The Economic and Moral Effects of Public Outdoor Relief, 1890

            An Act to Prohibit the Coming of Chinese Laborers to the United States, September 1888, and Supplement, October 1888


5. Progress and Reform: 1900—1930

Changing Economic and Demographic Realities

            An Urban and Industrial Society

            Poverty and the Working Class

            African Americans, Native Americans, and Immigrants

Innovations in Social Welfare

            Regulating Working Conditions

            Expanding Public Welfare

            Protecting Vulnerable Families

            Social Work and the Black Population

            The Social Welfare of Veterans

            Professionalizing Social Work

Social Movements in the Early 20th Century

            Coalitions for Reform

            Regulating Business

            Organized Labor

            Women, Work, and Suffrage

The End of Reform

DOCUMENTS: Progress and Reform

            The Family and the Woman’s Wage, 1909

            Funds to Parents Act, Illinois, 1911

            Public Pensions to Widows, 1912


6. The Depression and the New Deal: 1930—1940

Changing Economic and Demographic Realities

            The Economic Collapse

            Agricultural Crisis

            Family Life

Innovations in Social Welfare

            The Hoover Response to Crisis

            FDR and the First New Deal

            Public Money for Relief

            Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)

            The Second New Deal

            The Social Security Act

            Expanding Social Security: The 1939 Amendments

            Public Assistance

            The Changing Role of the Social Work Profession

            New Alignments in Social Welfare

Mass Movements During the 1930s

            Veterans and the Bonus

            Older Americans

            Labor and Social Welfare

            Setbacks for Women

            The Eclipse of Reform


DOCUMENTS: The Depression and the New Deal

            Monthly Reports of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, 1933

            Social Security Act, 1935


7. War and Prosperity: 1940—1968

Changing Economic and Demographic Realities

            Population Shifts

            Technology, Productivity, and Economic Insecurity

            World War II

            Wartime Economic and Social Advances

            Postwar Optimism

Innovations in Social Welfare

            Veterans and the GI Bill

            The Attack on Public Welfare

            Poverty and the Reform of Welfare

            The War on Poverty

            Expanded Benefits for the Aging

            Controlling Public Assistance

Social Movements and Reform After World War II

            Expanding the Civil Rights of African Americans

            A Renewed Feminist Movement

            Civil Rights and Juvenile Justice

DOCUMENTS: War and Prosperity

            Message on the Public Welfare Program, 1962

            Economic Opportunity Act, 1964

            In re Gault, 1967


8. Conservative Resurgence and Social Change: 1968—1992

Economic and Social Trends

            A Struggling Economy

            Changing Employment Patterns

            The Changing Family

Poverty and Income Distribution

Innovations in Social Welfare

            Expenditures for Social Welfare

            Challenging the Welfare State: Welfare Reform

            Child Welfare and the Aging

            The Unemployed


            Personal Social Services

Social Movements

            The New Right

            The Expansion of Civil Rights



DOCUMENTS: Conservative Resurgence and Social Change

            Message on Reform in Welfare, 1969

            Standard of Review for Termination of Disability Benefits, 1984


9. Social Welfare and the Information Society: 1992—2016

Social and Economic Change

            The Economy: Productivity, Growth, and Employment


            Changes in Family Composition

            America’s Changing Demography

Innovations in Social Welfare

            The Fall and Rise of Health Care Reform

            The Failure of Comprehensive Reform in the 1990s

            Achieving Comprehensive Reform in 2010

            Addressing Poverty and Dependency: The Scope of Welfare Reform

            The Changing Dynamics of the Welfare Debate

            The New Consensus over Welfare Reform

            The Impact of Welfare Reform

Social Movements and Grassroots Change

            Welfare Reform and “Immigration Control”

            The Return to Voluntarism and the Rise of Privatization

            The Continuing Battle for Social Justice


            Affirmative Action in the Labor Market

            Abortion and the Right to Privacy

            The Great Lockup


DOCUMENTS: Social Welfare and the Information Society

            Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, 1996

            State of California, Proposition 187, Illegal Aliens–Public Services, Verification, and Reporting, 1994

            U.S. Supreme Court Lawrence v. Texas, 2003

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