Sprinkler Fitting, Level 2, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (April 7, 2014) © 2015

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  • A print text (paperback)
(Module ID 18201-13) Identifies strength/spacing requirements, types, and installation of pipe hangers, supports, restraints, and guides. Covers types and installation of earthquake bracing and explains sleeving and fire-stopping.
MODULES (152.5 Hours)
All of the modules listed below are included in the Trainee and Instructor Guide(s). The following ISBN and pricing information is for ordering individual modules only.

Hangers, Supports, Restraints, and Guides (15 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378255-4
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378263-9
(Module ID 18201-13) Identifies strength/spacing requirements, types, and installation of pipe hangers, supports, restraints, and guides. Covers types and installation of earthquake bracing and explains sleeving and fire-stopping.

General Purpose Valves (15 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378256-1
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378264-6
(Module ID 18202-13) Covers types of valves and valve applications, including service procedures for standard valves. Also covers installation of OS&Y valves, butterfly grooved valves, and tamper switches. Outlines procedures for disassembling, servicing, and reassembling check valves.

General Trade Math (20 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378259-2
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378265-3
(Module ID 18203-13) Reviews math principles used to solve everyday problems, including unit conversion from the English system to the metric system and vice versa. Includes sprinkler fitting problems such as calculating 45-degree offsets and tank volume, centering sprinkler heads using geometric methods, and problems relating to hanger sizing.

Shop Drawings (32.5 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378257-8
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378267-7
(Module ID 18204-13) Explains how to read drawings to identify materials, calculate square footage and number of sprinklers required, lay out sprinkler hanger locations, and identify sprinkler orifice sizes.

Standard Spray Fire Sprinklers (20 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378260-8
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378268-4
(Module ID 18205-13) Discusses standard spray sprinklers relative to occupancies and to maximum coverage calculations. Explains how to identify sprinkler manufacturer and type using the Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN).

Wet Fire Sprinkler Systems (25 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378261-5
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378269-1
(Module ID 18206-13) Explains the purpose, function, and operation of wet pipe system components. Describes riser check valves, alarm check valves, and trim; flow, tamper, and pressure switches; fire department connections and hose stations; antifreeze systems; faulty pressure gauges; inspector’s test connections and auxiliary drains; and hydrostatic testing and test pumps.

Dry-Pipe Systems (25 Hours)
Trainee $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378262-2
Instructor $19 ISBN 978-0-13-378270-7
(Module ID 18207-13) Explains the purpose, function, and operation of components used in a dry-pipe system. Describes how to install pressure gauges on alarm valves and accelerators, how to set and adjust an air maintenance device, and how to reset and troubleshoot dry-pipe systems.

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