Steel Structures: Design and Behavior, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (October 16, 2008) © 2009

  • Charles G. Salmon
  • John E. Johnson
  • Faris A. Malhas

  • Hardcover, paperback or looseleaf edition
  • Affordable rental option for select titles

Strives to present in a logical manner the theoretical background needed for developing and explaining design requirements.  Beginning with coverage of background material, including references to pertinent research, the development of specific formulas used in the AISC Specifications is followed by a generous number of design examples explaining in detail the process of selecting minimum weight members to satisfy given conditions.

Fully updated to conform to the 2005 Specification and Manual of the American Institute of Steel Construction (13th edition of Steel Construction Manual) 

Integrated treatment of both Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) and Allowable Stress Design (ASD)

Use of SI units as an addition to the primary use of Inch-Pound units

Comprehensive treatment of design of I-shaped members subject to torsion

Detailed treatment of plate girder theory as it relates to LRFD

Extensive treatment of connections

Fully updated to conform to the 2005 Specification and Manual of the American Institute of Steel Construction (13th edition of Steel Construction Manual)

New Interior Design

        - Additional and enhanced illustrations will aid comprehension for today's visual learners

  • 1. Introduction.
  • 2. Steels and Properties.
  • 3. Tension Members.
  • 4. Structural Fasteners.
  • 5. Welding.
  • 6. Compression Members.
  • 7. Beams: Laterally Supported.
  • 8. Torsion.
  • 9. Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Beams.
  • 10. Continuous Beams.
  • 11. Plate Girders.
  • 12. Combined Bending and Axial Load.
  • 13. Connections.
  • 14. Frames–Braced and Unbraced.
  • 15. Design of Rigid Frames.
  • 16. Composite Steel–Concrete Construction.

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