Survey of Economics: Principles, Applications, and Tools, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (September 15, 2020) © 2020

  • Arthur O'Sullivan Oregon State University
  • Steven Sheffrin Tulane University
  • Stephen Perez California State University, Sacramento

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ISBN-13: 9780135640364 (2020 update)

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Students enter their first economics course hoping to gain a better understanding of the world around them, but often leave with their questions unanswered. Survey of Economics: Principles, Applications, and Tools is built upon the authors' philosophy of using basic concepts of economics to explain a wide variety of relevant, current and engaging economic applications.

The 8th Edition incorporates the latest economic developments throughout. By making every chapter relevant and applied, you'll develop an understanding of core principles that you'll use as a citizen and consumer, now and in your career.

  1. Introduction: What Is Economics?
  2. Key Principles of Economics
  3. Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
  4. Elasticity: A Measure of Responsiveness
  5. Production Technology and Cost
  6. Perfect Competition
  7. Monopoly and Price Discrimination
  8. Market Entry, Monopolistic Competition, and Oligopoly
  9. Market Failure: Imperfect Information, External Benefits, and External Costs
  10. The Labor Market and the Distribution of Income
  11. Measuring a Nation's Production and Income
  12. Unemployment and Inflation
  13. Why Do Economies Grow?
  14. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  15. Fiscal Policy
  16. Money and the Banking System
  17. Monetary Policy and Inflation
  18. International Trade and Finance

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