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Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships...Your Life, 1st edition
Published by FT Press (July 2, 2015) © 2012
- Merrick Rosenberg
- Daniel Silvert
Price Reduced From: $21.99
- A print text
- Free shipping
- Also available for purchase as an ebook from all major ebook resellers, including InformIT.com
Taking Flight reveals profound hidden patterns of human behavioral style, offers a blueprint for deeper self-awareness, helps you maximize your own personal strengths, and shows how to influence others more powerfully than ever. You'll learn how to use the proven DISC four-style model of behavior to become a far more effective leader, salesperson, or teacher... revitalize any career... build better relationships... fully leverage your natural gifts, as you empower those around you. If you haven't yet been introduced to DISC, it will change your life -- just as it has for thousands before you. Discover:
- Why you "click" with some people and "clank" with others
- What really drives your decisions and actions
- How to identify others' behavioral styles and choose the best ways to interact with them
- How to craft a personal plan for maximizing your strengths and minimizing your weaknesses
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