Whole Child, The: Developmental Education for the Early Years, 10th edition

Published by Pearson (March 27, 2013) © 2014

  • Patricia Weissman
  • Joanne Hendrick
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  • A print text

Part I The Basics of Good Early Childhood Education

Chapter 1 What Is Good Education for Young Children?

Chapter 2 Collaborating with Families

Chapter 3 Fostering Creativity in Play

Chapter 4 Providing Cross-Cultural, Nonsexist Education

Chapter 5 Welcoming Children Who Have Special Education Requirements

Chatper 6 Using Standards and Assessment in Early Childhood Education

Chapter 7 Arranging a Good Day for Young Children: Daily Routines and a Supportive Classroom Environment

Part II Supporting the Development of the Whole Child

Chapter 8 Promoting the Development of the Physical Self

Chapter 9 Strengthening the Development of the Emotional Self

Chapter 10 The Social Self: Encouraging Social Competence in Young Children

Chapter 11 The Social Self: Fostering Self-Discipline and Conflict Resolution Skills

Chatper 12 Fostering the Development of Language Skills

Chapter 13 Fostering the Emergence of Literacy

Chapter 14 Supporting the Development of the Cognitive Self

Chapter 15 Nurturing the Development of the Creative Self

Chapter 16 Developing the Whole Child; Becoming the Whole Teacher

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