Advanced Game Design: A Systems Approach, 1st edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (October 30, 2017) © 2018

  • Michael Sellers
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In Advanced Game Design, pioneering game designer and instructor Michael Sellers situates game design practices in a strong theoretical framework of systems thinking, enabling designers to think more deeply and clearly about their work, so they can produce better, more engaging games for any device or platform. Sellers offers a deep unifying framework in which practical game design best practices and proven systems thinking theory reinforce each other, helping game designers understand what they are trying to accomplish and the best ways to achieve it.

Part I:  Foundations
Chapter 1  Foundations of Systems
Chapter 2  Defining Systems
Chapter 3  Foundations of Games and Game Design
Chapter 4  Interactivity and Fun

Part II:  Principles
Chapter 5  Working as a Systemic Game Designer
Chapter 6  Designing the Whole Experience
Chapter 7  Creating Game Loops
Chapter 8  Defining Game Parts

Part III:  Practice
Chapter 9  Game Balance Methods
Chapter 10  Game Balance Practice
Chapter 11  Working as a Team
Chapter 12  Making Your Game Real

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