Educational Research: Fundamental Principles and Methods, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2022

  • James H. McMillan Virginia Commonwealth University
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Educational Research educates you on how to become an intelligent consumer of educational research. The text introduces basic research principles to those who may use research in their work. It facilitates student learning through chapter objectives, roadmaps and author reflections. It expertly emphasizes how to conduct research through a non-technical approach. This text includes a comprehensive summary of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods designs. It also includes extensive use of excerpts from published studies.

The 8th Edition has been fully revised and includes a new chapter on qualitative data analysis. Additionally, there's a new chapter on writing research proposals and new research articles.

Part I: Getting Ready for Research

  1. Introduction to Research in Education
  2. Ethical Issues, Principles, and Practices
  3. Research Problems and Questions
  4. Locating and Reviewing Related Literature

Part II: Quantitative Research

  1. Participants and Sampling for Quantitative Designs
  2. Foundations of Educational Measurement
  3. Quantitative Data Collection Techniques
  4. Nonexperimental Quantitative Research Designs
  5. Experimental Research Designs
  6. Understanding Statistical Inferences

Part III: Qualitative Research

  1. Qualitative Research Designs
  2. Qualitative Data Collection
  3. Qualitative Data Analysis, Validity/Trustworthiness, and Reporting

Part IV: Mixed Methods and Action Research

  1. Mixed Methods Designs
  2. Action Research

Part V: Communicating Research Results

  1. Writing Research Proposals, Reports, and Articles

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