Racial and Ethnic Groups, 15th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2019

  • Richard T. Schaefer DePaul University
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Racial and Ethnic Groups highlights the changing dynamics of the US population. The text helps you view race and ethnic relations in a sociohistorical context, so you can understand the past and see how to shape the future. Author Richard Schaefer's narrative is driven by engaging first-person accounts that illuminate, and reveal the stories behind, the changing dynamics of the US population.

The 15th Edition offers new Relations Across Boundaries features that focus on interactions between different groups, as well as thoroughly updated data and contemporary topics. Updated Research Focus and Global View boxes offer new insights into the ever-changing nature of race and ethnicity.

  1. Exploring Race and Ethnicity
  2. Prejudice
  3. Discrimination
  4. Immigration
  5. Ethnicity, Whiteness, and Religion
  6. Native Americans: The First Americans
  7. African Americans
  8. African Americans Today
  9. Latinos. Growth and Diversity
  10. Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans
  11. Muslim and Arab Americans: Diverse Minorities
  12. Asian Pacific Americans: An Array of Nationalities
  13. Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans
  14. Jewish Americans: The Quest to Maintain Identity
  15. Women: The Oppressed Majority
  16. Beyond the United States: The Comparative Perspective
  17. Overcoming Exclusion

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