Understanding the Political World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science, 13th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2020

  • James N. Danziger University of California at Irvine
  • Lindsey Lupo Point Loma Nazarene University
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Understanding the Political World brings abstract political concepts into focus by connecting them to your life. Authors James Danziger and Lindsey Lupo provide insights into the continually evolving nature of international politics. They use real examples from different political systems to demonstrate how politics are understood throughout the world.

The 13th Edition has been revised and updated with the latest data and information to reflect current state of politics around the globe. Fresh examples, new data and revised topics throughout the text illustrate the underlying concepts and theories that are at the heart of understanding the political world. Updated chapter-opening vignettes cover topics such as the political decay in Honduras and “Chavismo” politics in Venezuela.

1. Politics and Knowledge
2. Political Theory and Political Beliefs
3. Political Actions
4. Influences on Beliefs and Actions
5. Political Systems, States, and Nations
6. Political Institutions I: Institutional Structures
7. Political Institutions II: Institutional Arrangements
8. Political Economy
9. Public Policy, Power, and Decision
10. Change and Political Development
11. Politics across Borders
12. Political Violence
13. The More Developed Countries of the Global North
14. The Less Developed Countries of the Global South
15. The Partly Developed Countries

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