The Cisco Nexus platform and NX-OS switch operating system combine to deliver unprecedented speed, capacity, resilience, and flexibility in today's data center networks. Troubleshooting Cisco Nexus Switches and NX-OS is your single reference for quickly identifying and solving problems with these business-critical technologies.

Three expert authors draw on deep experience with large Cisco customers, emphasizing the most common issues in real-world deployments, including problems that have caused major data center outages. Their authoritative, hands-on guidance addresses both features and architecture, helping you troubleshoot both control plane forwarding and data plane/data path problems and use NX-OS APIs to automate and simplify troubleshooting. Throughout, you'll find real-world configurations, intuitive illustrations, and practical insights into key platform-specific behaviors.

This is an indispensable technical resource for all Cisco network consultants, system/support engineers, network operations professionals, and CCNP/CCIE certification candidates working in the data center domain.

1. Introduction to Writing RFPs.


What is Presented in this RFP Book?

Different Types of RFPs.

Request for Information (RFI).

Request for Proposal (RFP).

Why Write an RFP?

RFP Development and Preparation.

RFP Project Development.

Evaluation Criteria.

Reviewing the RFP.

Anatomy of an RFP.

Project Overview and Administrative Information.

Technical Requirements.

Management Requirements.

Supplier Qualifications and References.

Suppliers' Section.

Pricing Section.

Contracts and License Agreements Section.


RFP Activities.

Pre­RFP Activities.

Identifying Suppliers.

Qualifying Suppliers.

RFP Activities.

Post­RFP Activities.

The Importance of the RFP from a Contract Perspective.


2. RFP Planning and Preparation.


Pre­RFP Planning Considerations.

Project Organization.

Project Organization.

Project Schedule.

Technology and Supplier Education.

Budget Development.

The Project Acquisition Budget.

Post-RFP Planning Considerations.

Project Development and Implementation.

Additional Post-RFP Activities.


3. RFP Administration Requirements Section Introduction.

How to use this Chapter.

Anatomy of an Administration Section.

RFP Overview.

Supplier and Supplier Reference Information.

Company Confidential Information.

Intent to Bid.

Proprietary Information Notice.

Supplier Confidential Information.


RFP Contacts.

RFP Questions and Answers.

Responding to Supplier Questions.

RFP Reference Library.

RFP Schedule.

Pre­Proposal Conference.

Proposal Format Requirements.

The Cover Letter or Transmittal Letter.

The Executive Summary Required in Proposals.

Pricing Section (Cost Section).

Best and Final Offers.

Alternate Proposals.

Compliance Matrix.

Informational Paragraphs in the Administrative Section.

Definition of Requirements.

Production Environment for Hardware and Software Products.

Errors or Omissions in Proposals.

Proposal Evaluation Criteria.

Proposal Costs and Expenses.

Product Demonstrations.

Notifying Winning and Losing Suppliers.

Proposal Debriefing.

What Should Not Appear in the Administrative Section.


4. RFP Technical Requirements Section.


Writing Requirements for the Technical Section.

Definition of a Requirement.

Who Writes Requirements?

How Do Suppliers Recognize Requirements in Your RFP?

What Is the Difference between Specifications and Requirements?

Requirements can Be Written as Questions, Statements, or Narrative Description.

Qualities of Well Written Requirements.

Requirements Must Reflect Real Products or Solutions.

Requirements Must Be Unambiguous.

Requirements Must Not Use Subjective Terms.

Requirements Must Be Measurable.

Requirements Must Be Meaningful.

Requirements Must Be Complete.

Requirements Must Not Include the Solution.

Requirements Must Not Include Unnecessary Characteristics.

Developing Technical Requirements.

Illustrating Requirements.

Anatomy of a Technical Section.

Current Business Environment.

Current Technical Environment.

Proposed Technical Environment.

A Note on Hardware Requirements.

A Note on System Software Requirements.

Application Requirements.


Suggested Readings.

5. Management Requirements Section.


Writing Requirements for the Management Section.

Examples of Poorly Written Requirements.

Anatomy of a Management Section.

Project Plan.

Project Schedule.

Site Preparation Plan and Personnel Responsibilities.

Project Staffing Requirements.

Roles and Responsibilities.

Design, Development, and Implementation.

Project Change Control.

Delivery and Installation.


System Maintenance and Support.




Project Cutover.

Supplier Issues and Concerns.


6. Pricing.


Anatomy of a Pricing Section.



System Software.

Application Software.

Custom Software Development.


Project Implementation and Management Services.

Maintenance and Support.



Other Costs Not Specifically Requested.

Organizing the Price Section.

Validating Prices.

Other Pricing Notes.

Contracts and License Agreements Section.

Fixed Price Contract.

Time and Materials (T&M).

Associated Contract Considerations.

Evaluation of Price Proposals.


7. Evaluation Guidelines.


The Evaluation Team.

Evaluation Considerations.

Evaluation Criteria in the RFP.

Getting Started Evaluating Proposals.

Requests for Clarification.

Other Considerations for the Evaluation Team.

Anatomy of an Evaluation Section.

Technical Evaluation.

Management Evaluation.

Price Evaluation.

Oral Presentations and Demonstrations.

The Evaluation Process.


Preliminary Evaluation.

Second Round of Evaluations.

Detailed Evaluations.

The Shortlist.

Developing the Scoring Methodology.

Evaluation Report.


Appendix A. Administrative Information.

Appendix B. Supplier Information.

Appendix C. Proposal Preparation Instructions.

Appendix D. Budget Planning and Investment Analysis.

Appendix E. Nondisclosure Agreement.

Appendix F. Proprietary Notice.

Appendix G. Notice of Intent to Bid.

Appendix H. Questions and Answers.

Appendix I. Compliance Matrix.

Appendix J. Preliminary Evaluation Checklist.

Appendix K. RFP Reverse Planning Calendar. 0201775751T12102001

Bud Porter-Roth is a technology consultant who specializes in helping clients develop and write effective RFPs, evaluate vendor proposals, and implement joint projects. As a result of hisreal-world expertise, Mr. Porter-Roth frequently writes and lectures on RFPs. He is also the author of Proposal Development: How to Respond and Win the Bid (PSI Research-Oasis Press, 1998).


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