Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise, 1st edition

Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (December 27, 2010) © 2011

  • Dean Leffingwiell
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Effective requirements discovery and analysis is a critical best practice for serious application development. Until now, however, requirements and Agile methods have rarely coexisted peacefully. For many enterprises considering Agile approaches, the absence of effective and scalable Agile requirements processes has been a showstopper for Agile adoption. In Agile Software Requirements, Dean Leffingwell shows exactly how to create effective requirements in Agile environments.
  • Part I presents the “big picture” of Agile requirements in the enterprise, and describes an overall process model for Agile requirements at the project team, program, and portfolio levels
  • Part II describes a simple and lightweight, yet comprehensive model that Agile project teams can use to manage requirements
  • Part III shows how to develop Agile requirements for complex systems that require the cooperation of multiple teams
  • Part IV guides enterprises in developing Agile requirements for ever-larger “systems of systems,” application suites, and product portfolios
  • Chapter 1: A Brief History of Software Requirements Methods
  • Chapter 2: The Big Picture of Agile Requirements
  • Chapter 3: Agile Requirements for the Team
  • Chapter 4: Agile Requirements for the Program
  • Chapter 5: Agile Requirements for the Portfolio
  • Chapter 6: User Stories
  • Chapter 7: Stakeholders, User Personas, and User Experiences
  • Chapter 8: Agile Estimating and Velocity
  • Chapter 9: Iterating, Backlog, Throughput, and Kanban
  • Chapter 10: Acceptance Testing
  • Chapter 11: Role of the Product Owner
  • Chapter 12: Requirements Discovery Toolkit
  • Chapter 13: Vision, Features, and Roadmap
  • Chapter 14: Role of the Product Manager
  • Chapter 15: The Agile Release Train
  • Chapter 16: Release Planning
  • Chapter 17: Nonfunctional Requirements
  • Chapter 18: Requirements Analysis Toolkit
  • Chapter 19: Use Cases 
  • Chapter 20: Agile Architecture
  • Chapter 21: Rearchitecting with Flow
  • Chapter 22: Moving to Agile Portfolio Management
  • Chapter 23: Investment Themes, Epics, and Portfolio Planning
  • Chapter 24: Conclusion
  • Appendix A: Context-Free Interview
  • Appendix B: Vision Document Template
  • Appendix C: Release Planning Readiness Checklist
  • Appendix D: Agile Requirements Enterprise Backlog Meta-model

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