Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (October 20, 2004) © 2005

  • Craig Larman

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Craig Larman again delivers a clear path for students to learn object-oriented analysis and design through his clear and precise writing style.  Larman teaches newcomers to OOA/D learn how to “think in objects” by presenting three iterations of a single, cohesive case study, incrementally introducing the requirements and OOA/D activities, principles, and patterns that are most critical to success.

This third edition again delivers a clear path for students and professionals to learn and apply object-oriented analysis and design.

  • The first two editions of this book have achieved gross sales of more than 60,000 units through the domestic retail channel
  • Timely and up-to-date; compliant with UML 2.0 and the latest trends in design patterns and object-oriented analysis and design
  • More gold from one of the leading names in software engineering: Craig Larman!
  • Instructor resources are available from the author's website,
  • New features include: MDA, service-oriented architectures and agile modeling.
  • More coverage on database, user interface modeling, XP, Scrum and the Implementation Model in the Unified Process.  
  • 1. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design.
  • 2. Iterative, Evolutionary, and Agile.
  • 3. Case Studies.
  • 4. Inception is Not the Requirements Phase
  • 5. Evolutionary Requirements.
  • 6. Use Cases
  • 7. Other Requirements.
  • 8. Iteration 1-Basics
  • 9. Domain Models
  • 10. System Sequence Diagrams
  • 11. Operation Contracts
  • 12. Requirements to Design-Iteratively
  • 13. Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams
  • 14. On to Object Design
  • 15. UML Interaction Diagrams
  • 16. UML Class Diagrams
  • 17. GRASP: Designing Objects with Responsibilities
  • 18. Object Design Examples with GRASP.
  • 19. Designing for Visibility
  • 20. Mapping Designs to Code
  • 21. Test-Driven Development and Refactoring
  • 22. UML Tools and UML as Blueprint
  • 3. Quick Analysis Update.
  • 24. Iteration 2-More Patterns.
  • 25. GRASP: More Objects with Responsibilities.
  • 26. Applying GoF Design Patterns.
  • 27. Iteration 3-Intermediate Topics.
  • 28. UML Activity Diagrams and Modeling.
  • 29. UML State Machine Diagrams and Modeling.
  • 30. Relating Use Cases.
  • 31. More SSDs and Contracts.
  • 32. Domain Model Refinement.
  • 33. Architectural Analysis.
  • 34. Logical Architecture Refinement.
  • 35. More Object Design with GoF Patterns.
  • 36. Package Design.
  • 37. UML Deployment and Component Diagrams.
  • 38. Designing a Persistence Framework with Patterns.
  • 39. Documenting Architecture: UML & the N+1 View Model.
  • 40. More on Iterative Development and Agile Project Management.
  • Recommended Resources.
  • Bibliography.
  • Glossary.
  • Index.

Craig Larman serves as chief scientist at Valtech, a leading technology consultancy with offices throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. He is known throughout the worldwide software community as an expert and coach in OOA/D and design patterns, agile/iterative methods, an agile approach to the Unified Process (UP), and modeling with the UML. He holds a B.S. and M.S. in computer science from Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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