Case Conceptualization in Family Therapy, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (January 24, 2013) © 2014

  • Michael D. Reiter
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Table of Contents

Case Conceptualization in Family Therapy




Ch. 1    Developing Case Conceptualizations

I.       The Importance of Having a Conceptual Lens

II.       Developing a Conceptualization

a.       Bowen Natural Systems Theory

b.       Contextual Therapy

c.       Satir Growth Model

d.       Brief Therapy: Mental Research Institute

e.       Strategic Family Therapy

f.        Milan Systemic Family Therapy

g.       Structural Family Therapy

h.       Solution Focused Brief Therapy

i.         Narrative Therapy

III.       Case Conceptualization

a.        Models of Case Conceptualization

IV.       Common Factors of Therapy

a.        Extratherapeutic Factors

b.        Relationship Factors

c.        Expectancy, Hope, & Placebo Factors

d.        Model and Technique Factors

V.        The Approach Fitting the Person


Ch. 2    The Case: The Mosley Family

I.        Current State of the Family

II.       History of the Nuclear Family

III.      Stephen’s Family-of-Origin

IV.      Miranda’s Family-of-Origin


Ch. 3    Bowen Natural Systems Theory (Christopher F. Burnett & Michael D. Reiter)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Individual Constituents of the Emotional System

b.      Emotional Triangles

c.       The Concept of Differentiation of Self

d.      Entering Therapy

e.       Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Goals of Therapy

                        b. Genograms

                        c. Family Evaluation

d. Prognosis

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 4     Contextual Therapy (Catherine Ducommon-Nagy & Michael D. Reiter)

I.                    Theory of Problem Formation

a.       The Five Dimensions of Relational Reality

                          i.      The Dimension of Facts

                          ii.      The Dimension of Individual Psychology

                          iii.      The Dimension of Transactions

                          iv.      The Dimension of Relational Ethics

1.      Reciprocity in Close Relationships

2.      Destructive Entitlement

3.      Parentification

4.      Loyalties

5.      Intergenerational Legacies

6.      Invisible Loyalty

7.      Split Loyalties

                       v.      The Ontic Dimension

1.      The Dialectic Definition of the Self

2.      The Paradoxical Definition of Autonomy

b.      Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. The Goals of Therapy

                                    i. Definition of Health

                                    ii. The Goals of Therapy

                                    iii. Constructive Entitlement

                        b. Multidirected Partiality

                                    i. The Therapeutic Contract

                                    ii. The Methodology of Multidirected Partiality

                                    iii. Multidirected Partiality as a Strategy

c.       The Process of Therapy

d.      The Role of the Therapist

e.       Termination of Therapy

                                  i.      Exoneration

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 5    Satir Growth Model (Michael D. Reiter & Jean McLendon)

I.       Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Families

b.      Symptoms

c.       Self-Worth

d.      Communication

e.       Communication Stances

f.        Connections

g.       Philosophy of People

h.      Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Goals of Therapy

                        b. The Person of the Therapist

c. The Process of Therapy

d. Stages of Therapy

e. Techniques

f. Termination of Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 6    Brief Therapy: Mental Research Institute (Michael D. Reiter & Wendel A. Ray)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       First and Second Order Change

b.      Problems/Complaints

c.       Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Who to Invite to Therapy

                        b. The Process of Therapy

c. Client Position

d. Interventions

e. Termination of Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 7    Strategic Family Therapy (Michael D. Reiter & Wendel A. Ray)

I.       Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Problems/Symptoms

b.      Family Life Cycle

c.       Family Organization

d.      Communication

e.       Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Goals of Therapy

                        b. Process of Therapy

                        c. Giving Directives

d. Termination of Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 8    Milan Systemic Family Therapy (Michael D. Reiter & Shelley Green)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Families as Systems

b.      Control

c.       Labels

d.      Family Myths and Premises

e.       Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Techniques of Therapy

                                    i. Positive Connotation

                                    ii. Ritual

                        b. Three Guidelines of Therapy

                                    i. Hypothesizing

                                    ii. Circularity

                                    iii. Neutrality

                        c. Questions

                        d. Format of the Session

e. Ending Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 9   Structural Family Therapy (Jay Lappin & Michael D. Reiter)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       The Family Referral

b.      Structural Family Therapy: A System for Changing Systems

c.       Seeing Differently

d.      The Therapist’s Use of Self

e.       Family Development

f.        Couple/Partner Formation: The Mosleys

g.       Families with School Age & Adolescent Children

h.      Boundaries

i.         Maps: A Bridge between Problem & Resolution

j.         Cultural Considerations

k.       A Word About Larger Systems

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Forming the Therapeutic System

                                    i. Joining: Close, Median, Distant Positions

                                    ii. Joining: Close Position

                                    iii. Joining: Median Position and Tracking

                                    iv. Joining: Distant Position

                                    v. Enactments

d.      Techniques Provoking Disequilibrium and Change

                                     i.      Reframing

                                     ii.      Boundary Making & Unbalancing

                                     iii.      Focus

e.       Termination of Therapy

III. Case Transcript



Ch. 10   Solution Focused Brief Therapy (Michael D. Reiter & Arlene Brett-Gordon)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Complaints

b.      The Three Rules

c.       Desire for Change

d.      Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Building on What is Present

                        b. Goals

                        c. Change

                        d. Expectations

                        e. Questions

                                    i. Pretreatment Change Questions

                                    ii. Exceptions Questions

                                    iii. Scaling Questions

                                    iv. Miracle Questions

                                    v. What Else Questions

                        f.  Process of Therapy

                        g. Interventions

h. Termination of Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 11   Narrative Therapy (Michael D. Reiter & James Hibel)

I.        Theory of Problem Formation

a.       Stories

b.      Unique Outcomes

c.       Landscape of Stories

d.      Cultural Considerations

            II.  Theory of Problem Resolution

                        a. Process of Therapy

                                    i. Externalizing Conversations

                                    ii. Re-authoring Conversations

                                    iii. Re-membering Conversations

                                    iv. Unique Outcome Conversations

                        b. Termination of Therapy

            III. Case Transcript


Ch. 12 Evolving Conceptualizations

I.        Model Evolution

a.       Structural Family Therapy

b.      Milan Systemic Family Therapy

II.      Model Integration

a.       Family Therapy Integration

III.       New Developments in the Field

a.       New Approaches

                   i.      Emotion-Focused Therapy

b.      Common Factors, Core Competencies & Evidence-Based Practice

                    i.      Common Factors

                    ii.      Core Competencies

                    iii.      Evidence-Based Practice

IV.     Conclusion





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