Considering Cultural Difference, A Longman Topics Reader, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (December 12, 2007) © 2008

  • Laura Vernon Utah State University
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What Every Student Should Know About Writing Across the Curriculum offers students useful advice and a plethora of sample papers to serve as models for the most common writing assignments they will receive across the disciplines in their college courses–summaries, lab reports, policy/position papers, analyses, letters and memos, and more. This user-friendly guide also includes practical tips and samples to help students incorporate visuals into their academic papers and effectively design their documents. Includes 2009 MLA and APA updates!



Introduction: Writing for College


Chapter 1: Summaries

  • Sample Student Essay for Philosophy, Using MLA Documentation Style


Chapter 2: Position Papers

  • Sample Student Paper for Sociology, Using APA Documentation Style


Chapter 3: Reports

  • Sample Student Essay for Biology, Using CSE Documentation Style


Chapter 4: Analyses

  • Sample Student Analysis of a Work of Literature, Using MLA Documentation Style


Chapter 5: Literature Reviews

  • Sample Student Literature Review for Communication, Using APA Documentation Style


Chapter 6: Annotated Bibliographies

  • Sample Student Bibliography for Education, Using APA Documentation Style


Chapter 7: Research papers

  • Sample Student Research Paper for Statistics, Using CMS Documentation Style
  • Sample Student Research Paper for Theater, Using MLA Documentation Style
  • Sample Student Research Paper for Political Science, Using APA Documentation Style


Chapter 8: Proposals

  • Sample Student Grant Proposal for Biology, Using CSE Documentation Style


Chapter 9: Letters/Memos

  • Sample Student Memo to Business Class
  • Sample Student Letter to Potential Employer


Appendix A: Using Visuals

  • Sample Student Table and Chart


Appendix B: Using Design Principles Effectively

  • Sample Student Memo Using First- and Second-Level Headings


Appendix C:  Writing Checklist

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