Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2017

  • Rachael E. Spector Boston College School of Nursing
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Unit I: Cultural Foundations
1. Building Cultural and Linguistic Competence
2. Cultural Heritage and History
3. Diversity
4. Health and Illness

Unit II: Health Domains
5. Health Traditions
6. Healing Traditions
7. Familial Health Traditions
8. Health and Illness in Modern Healthcare

Unit III: Health and Illness Panoramas
9. Health and Illness in the American Indian and Alaska Native Population
10. Health and Illness in the Asian Population
11. Health and Illness in the Black Population
12. Health and Illness in the Hispanic Populations
13. Health and Illness in the White Populations
14. Cultural Competency


Unit I: Cultural Foundations

1. Building Cultural and Linguistic Competence
National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care
Cultural Competence
Linguistic Competence
Institutional Mandates
Cultural Care

2. Cultural Heritage and History
Heritage Consistency
Acculturation Themes
Cultural Conflicts
Cultural Phenomena Affecting Health

3. Diversity
Census and Estimates
Immigration Poverty

4. Health and Illness

Unit II: Health Domains

5. Health Traditions
Health and Illness
Health Traditions Model
Health Protection
Healthcare Choices
Folk Medicine
Healthcare Philosophies

6. Healing Traditions
Ancient Forms of Healing
Religion and Healing
Healing and Today's Beliefs
Ancient Rituals Related to the Lifecycle

7. Familial Health Traditions
Familial Health Traditions
Consciousness Raising

8. Health and Illness in Modern Healthcare
The Healthcare Provider's Culture
Healthcare Costs
Trends in Development of the Healthcare System
Common Problems in Healthcare Delivery
Pathways to Health Services
Barriers to Healthcare
Medicine as an Institution of Social Control

Unit III: Health and Illness Panoramas

9. Health and Illness in the American Indian and Alaska Native Population
Traditional Definitions of Health and Illness
Traditional Methods of Healing
Current Healthcare Problems
The Indian Health Service (IHS)
Cultural and Communication Problems

10. Health and Illness in the Asian Population
Traditional Definitions of Health and Illness
Traditional Methods of Health Maintenance and Protection
Traditional Methods of Health Restoration
Current Health Problems

11. Health and Illness in the Black Population
Traditional Definitions of Health and Illness
Traditional Methods of Health Maintenance and Protection
Traditional Methods of Health Restoration
Current Health Problems

12. Health and Illness in the Hispanic Populations
Current Health Problems in the Hispanic Population

13. Health and Illness in the White Populations
German Americans
Polish Americans
Italian Americans
Health Status of the White (Non-Hispanic) Population

14. Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency

A. Selected Key Terms Related to Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness
B. Cultural Care Assessments
C. Calendar: Cultural and Religious Holidays That Change Dates
D. Selected Data Resources

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