Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action, 1st edition

Published by Pearson FT Press (May 5, 2011) © 2011

  • Peter Navarro
  • Greg Autry

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The world's most populous nation and soon-to-be largest economy is rapidly turning into the planet's most efficient assassin. Unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs are flooding world markets with lethal products. China's perverse form of capitalism combines illegal mercantilist and protectionist weapons to pick off American industries, job by job. China's emboldened military is racing towards head-on confrontation with the U.S. Meanwhile, America's executives, politicians, and even academics remain silent about the looming threat. Now, best-selling author and noted economist Peter Navarro meticulously exposes every form of "Death by China," drawing on the latest trends and events to show a relationship spiraling out of control. Navarro reveals:

How thousands of Chinese cyber dissidents are being imprisoned in "Google Gulags"; how Chinese hackers are escalating coordinated cyberattacks on U.S. defense and America's key businesses; how China's undervalued currency is damaging the U.S., Europe, and the global recovery; why American companies are discovering that the risks of operating in China are even worse than they imagined; how China is promoting nuclear proliferation in its pursuit of oil; and how the media distorts the China story--including a "Hall of Shame" of America's worst China apologists.

This book doesn't just catalogue China's abuses: It presents a call to action and a survival guide for a critical juncture in America's history--and the world's.

Why China is the greatest threat to the US in the world today—from lethal products and the economy, to espionage and imperialism.

  • Presents a call to action and a survival guide for a critical juncture in America's history—and the world's.
  • Reveals how China's "Commie Capitalism" and protectionist policies are picking off American industries one by one.
  • How Chinese hackers are escalating cyberattacks on U.S. defense and America's key businesses.

Foreword     xiii

Chapter 1: It’s Not China Bashing If It’s True     1


Chapter 2: Death by Chinese Poison: Bodies for Bucks and Chicks for Free     15

Chapter 3: Death by Chinese Junk: Strangling Our Babies in Their Cribs     29


Chapter 4: Death to America’s Manufacturing Base: Why We Don’t Play (or Work) in Peoria Anymore     49

Chapter 5: Death by Currency Manipulation: Crouching Tiger, Nuking Dragon     67

Chapter 6: Death by American Corporate Turncoat: When Greenbacks Trump the Red,

White, and Blue     77

Chapter 7: Death by Colonial Dragon: Locking Down Resources and Locking Up Markets Round the World     91


Chapter 8: Death by Blue Water Navy: Why China’s Military Rise Should Raise Red Flags     111

Chapter 9: Death by Chinese Spy: How Beijing’s “Vacuum Cleaners” Are Stealing the Rope to Hang Uncle Sam     127

Chapter 10: Death by Red Hacker: From Chengdu’s “Dark Visitors” to Manchurian Chips     137

Chapter 11: Death by Darth Liu: Look Ma, There’s a Death Star Pointing at Chicago     151


Chapter 12: Death to a Big Planet: Do You Want to Be Fried with That Apocalypse?      171

Chapter 13: Death by Chinese Pogrom: When Mao Met Orwell and Deng Xiaoping in Tiananmen Square     187

Chapter 14: Death by China on China: Shanghaiing the Gene Pool at the Top of the World and Other Earthly Tales     197


Chapter 15: Death by China Apologist: Fareed Zakaria Floats Away     215

Chapter 16: Life with China: How to Survive and Prosper in the Dragon’s Century     233

Epilogue     261

Endnotes     265

Index     287

Peter Navarro, business professor at University of California—Irvine, is author of the best-selling The Coming China Wars. His work has appeared in BusinessWeek, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, and MIT Sloan Management Review. A gifted public speaker, Navarro has been featured on 60 Minutes and has appeared on Bloomberg, CNN, NPR, and all three major network news shows. He is a regular CNBC contributor and has testified before Congress and the U.S.—China Commission. His recent books include Seeds of Destruction (with Glenn Hubbard) and Always a Winner. His free weekly newsletter is available at

Greg Autry is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California. He holds an BA in history from Cal Poly Pomona and an MBA and PhD from the Merage School of Management at UC Irvine. He has traveled extensively in China and testified to Congress twice on this issue. His research is focused on the role that government plays in the emergence of new industries and he is an expert on the developing New Space / Commercial Spaceflight economy.

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