Docker Containers: Build and Deploy with Kubernetes, Flannel, Cockpit, and Atomic, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 26, 2015) © 2016

  • Christopher Negus
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Negus begins by explaining how containers can overcome development, administration, and security problems that virtualization hasn't solved. He reviews the current state of containerization and Docker project, assesses Docker alternatives, and helps you decide whether Docker is right for your application. Next, he teaches Docker through a series of step-by-step demonstrations built on the open source Fedora distribution of Linux.
  • Part I: Getting Going with Containers    
  • Chapter 1: Containerizing Applications with Docker    
  • Chapter 2: Setting Up a Container Run-Time Environment    
  • Chapter 3: Setting Up a Private Docker Registry    
  • Part II: Working with Individual Containers    
  • Chapter 4: Running Container Images    
  • Chapter 5: Finding, Pulling, Saving, and Loading Container Images   
  • Chapter 6: Tagging Images    
  • Chapter 7: Investigating Containers    
  • Chapter 8: Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Containers    
  • Chapter 9: Configuring Container Storage    
  • Chapter 10: Configuring Container Networking    
  • Chapter 11: Cleaning Up Containers    
  • Chapter 12: Building Docker Images    
  • Part III: Running Containers in Cloud Environments    
  • Chapter 13: Using Super Privileged Containers    
  • Chapter 14: Managing Containers in the Cloud with Cockpit    
  • Part IV: Managing Multiple Containers    
  • Chapter 15: Orchestrating Containers with Kubernetes    
  • Chapter 16: Creating a Kubernetes Cluster    
  • Part V: Developing Containers    
  • Chapter 17: Developing Docker Containers    
  • Chapter 18: Exploring Sample Dockerfile Files    
  • Index    

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