Elemental Geosystems, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (September 15, 2020) © 2019

  • Robert W. Christopherson
  • Stephen Cunha Humboldt State University
  • Charles E. Thomsen
  • Ginger H. Birkeland

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ISBN-13: 9780135213100 (2020 update)

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  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages

Mastering Geography with Pearson eText for Elemental Geosystems

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Elemental Geosystems presents physical geography, using unparalleled currency, accuracy and a rich integration of climate change science. The text provides a unique Earth systems approach that organizes the chapters around atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. Content follows the natural flow of energy, materials and information to present topics in the same sequence in which they occur in nature.

The 9th Edition features new active learning activities and visual tools to engage you in exploring Earth's dynamic, changing systems and in mastery of concepts. Updated content includes up-to-date and coverage of climate change science and data.

  1. Essentials of Geography
  2. Solar Energy, Seasons, and the Atmosphere
  3. Atmospheric Energy and Global Temperatures
  4. Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations
  5. Water and Atmospheric Moisture
  6. Water Resources
  7. Earth’s Climatic Regions
  8. Climate Change
  9. The Dynamic Planet
  10. Tectonics, Earthquakes, and Volcanism
  11. Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement
  12. River Systems
  13. Oceans, Coastal Systems, and Wind Processes
  14. Glacial Landscapes and the Cryosphere
  15. The Geography of Soils
  16. Ecosystem Essentials
  17. Biogeography and Terrestrial Biomes

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