Inner Voice of Trading, The: Eliminate the Noise, and Profit from the Strategies That Are Right for You, 1st edition
Published by FT Press (September 18, 2011) © 2012
- Michael Martin University of Rhode Island
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Want to be a successful trader? It's not enough to master generic trading strategies: you must first know yourself. You must understand your own emotional predilections and psychological tendencies. You must learn how to match your strategies to your own personality. You must choose strategies that are sustainable over the long haul, that you can tolerate–and execute.
Michael Martin's The Inner Voice of Trading explains why deep self-knowledge is so crucial to successful trading, helps you gain that self-knowledge, and guides you in applying it. Drawing on interviews and discussions with great traders like Michael Marcus and Ed Seykota, he shows how to quiet your mind, develop an "inner voice" you can rely on, and make it your most important trading ally.
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