Introduction to Renewable Energy for Engineers, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (August 3, 2015) © 2016

  • Kirk D. Hagen
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Introduction to Renewable Energy for Engineers is intended for beginning engineering students and students in other fields of study who want to learn the fundamental engineering principles of renewable energy. The primary focus of this book is the application of renewable energy to electrical power generation. As each renewable energy technology is explained, the student is shown how to do a basic energy analysis of the corresponding power-generation system.

Following an introductory chapter that covers the main types of renewable energy, the basics of energy and power calculations, and the fundamental economics of renewable energy systems, the book devotes a separate chapter to each renewable energy type: solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, marine, and biomass.  

  1. Introduction to Renewable Energy

  2. Solar Energy

  3. Wind Energy

  4. Hydro Energy

  5. Geothermal Energy

  6. Marine Energy

  7. Biomass

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