Life Span Development: A Topical Approach, 4th edition

Published by Pearson (July 14, 2021) © 2020

  • Robert S. Feldman University of Massachusetts at Amherst
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Life Span Development: A Topical Approach helps you see the big picture of development across the entire life span. Author Robert Feldman utilizes a topical approach that makes it easier to understand the scope of development within particular areas (such as social or personality development) across the entire life span.

The 4th Edition offers updated research and contemporary examples to help you better make connections between course concepts and your own life and career. Dozens of revised figures and photos plus hundreds of new citations from articles and books published in the last few years keep the text current. Updated From Research to Practice features help you see the impact of developmental research throughout society.

1. An Orientation to Lifespan Development
2. Genetics, Prenatal Development, and Birth
3. Physical Growth and Aging Across the Life Span
4. Health and Wellness
5. Cognitive Growth: Piaget and Vygotsky
6. Cognitive Growth: Information Processing Approaches
7. Language Development
8. Intelligence
9. Social and Emotional Development
10. Development of the Self
11. Moral Development and Aggression
12. Gender and Sexuality
13. Friends and Family
14. Schooling, Culture, and Society: Living in a Multicultural World
15. Death and Dying

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