Management of Child Development Centers, 8th edition

Published by Pearson (April 14, 2014) © 2015

  • Patricia F. Hearron
  • Verna P. Hildebrand

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ISBN-13: 9780133740233 (2014 update)

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  • Loose-leaf, 3-hole-punched pages

Part I: Introduction
1. Managing Children's Centers in the 21st Century
2. Types of Child Development Programs
3. Applying Theories in Managing a Child Development Center

Part II: Core Competencies
4. Reflective Management: Personal and Professional Self-Awareness
5. Organizational Management
6. Fiscal Management
7. Personnel Management
8. Human Relations
9. Facilities Management
10. Managing Health and Safety Issues
11. Managing Food Service
12. Educational Programming
13. Family Engagement
14. Marketing and Public Relations
15. Assessment and Evaluation


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