Mastering the World of Psychology: A Scientist-Practitioner Approach, 6th edition

Published by Pearson (July 5, 2017) © 2018

  • Samuel E. Wood Lindenwood University
  • Ellen Green Wood Houston Community College System , Lindenwood University
  • Denise Boyd Houston Community College
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  • Anytime, anywhere learning via mobile app
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  • All-in-one digital learning platform
  • Integrated videos and rich multimedia
  • Immediate feedback on tests and quizzes
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  • App syncs progress across devices
1. Introduction to Psychology
2. Biology and Behavior
3. Sensation and Perception
4. Consciousness
5. Learning
6. Memory
7. Cognition, Language, and Intelligence
8. Human Development
9. Motivation and Emotion
10. Health and Stress
11. Personality Theory and Assessment
12. Psychological Disorders
13. Therapies
14. Social Psychology

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