Meet with Impact: 40 Visual Tools For Productive Meetings and Engaging Workshops, 1st edition

Published by Pearson Business (November 8, 2019) © 2020

  • Tom Russell

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Meet With Impact gives you 40 exciting, engaging and easy visual tools to help make your meetings more productive and useful. Stuck in the same old slide-deck rut? There is a better way, and it’s explained right here.
Like it or hate it we spend too much of our time in meetings, and even though many of these meetings may be deathly they are super important to our organisations. But they don’t have to be so dull.

Tom Russell is Co-Founder and Director of The Facilitation Partnership (TFP) and Inky Thinking. He has 20 years’ experience in a variety of large, well known, complex organisations. More recently he has been facilitating meetings across the globe, partnering with clients to achieve breakthrough results in their meetings in companies including Airbus, Mars and SAP.

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