Microcontroller Theory and Applications: HC12 and S12, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (September 20, 2007) © 2008

  • Daniel J Pack
  • Steven F Barrett
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For undergraduate students taking a Microcontroller or Microprocessor course, frequently found in electrical engineering and computer engineering curricula.

This text provides the reader with fundamental assembly language programming skills, an understanding of the functional hardware components of a microcontroller, and skills to interface a variety of external devices with microcontrollers




1 Introduction To The HC 12 Microcontrollers

   1.1  Brief History of Computers

   1.2  Computers and Embedded Controllers

   1.3  Applications of Embedded Controllers

   1.4  Overview of the HC12

            1.4.1  Software Instruction Set

           1.4.2  Hardware

   1.5  Overview of the S12

           1.5.1  Software Instruction Set

           1.5.2  Hardware

   1.6  Summary

   1.7 Further Reading


2  HC12 And S12 Assembly Language Programming

   2.1  Programmer’s Model

   2.2  Freescale Assembly Language

   2.3  Instruction Execution Cycle

   2.4  Instruction Set

           2.4.1  Data Transfer and Manipulation Instructions

           2.4.2  Arithmetic Operations

           2.4.3  Logical and Bit Operations

           2.4.4  Data Test Instructions

           2.4.5  Optional: Fuzzy Logic Instructions

   2.5  Addressing Modes

          2.5.1  Inherent Addressing Mode

          2.5.2  Immediate Addressing Mode

          2.5.3  Direct Addressing Mode

          2.5.4  Extended Addressing Mode

          2.5.5  Index Addressing Mode

          2.5.6  Relative Addressing Mode

   2.6  Branch Instructions

   2.7  Directives (pseudo-op code) and a Good Programming Approach

          2.7.1  Directives

          2.7.2  A Good Programming Approach

   2.8  Laboratory Applications

   2.9  Summary

   2.10 Chapter Problems


3 Advanced Assembly Programming

   3.1  Assembly Process

   3.2  Loops

   3.3  Stack


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