Parallel Programming: Techniques and Applications Using Networked Workstations and Parallel Computers, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (March 4, 2004) © 2005

  • Barry Wilkinson
  • Michael Allen
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  • A print text

Designed for undergraduate/graduate-level parallel programming courses.

This nontheoretical, highly accessible text—which is linked to real parallel programming software—covers the techniques of parallel programming in a practical manner that enables students to write and evaluate their parallel programs. Supported by the National Science Foundation and exhaustively class-tested, it is the first text of its kind that does not require access to a special multiprocessor system, concentrating instead only on parallel programs that can be executed on networked workstations using freely available parallel software tools. The Second Edition has been revised to incorporate a greater focus on cluster programming as this type of programming has become more widespread with the availability of low-cost computers.


1. Parallel Computers.

2. Message-Passing Computing.

3. Embarrassingly Parallel Computations.

4. Partitioning and Divide-and-Conquer Strategies.

5. Pipelined Computations.

6. Synchronous Computations.

7. Load Balancing and Termination Detection.

8. Programming with Shared Memory.

9. Distributed Shared Memory Systems and Programming.


10. Sorting Algorithms.

11. Numerical Algorithms.

12. Image Processing.

13. Searching and Optimization.

Appendix A: Basic MPI Routines. Appendix B: Basic Pthread Routines. Appendix C: OpenMP Directives, Library Functions, and Environment Variables Index.

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