Pediatric Nursing Care Plans for the Hospitalized Child, 3rd edition

Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) © 2009

  • Sharon Ennis Axton
  • Terry Fugate
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Care of Children with Cardiovascular Dysfunction  

1    Cardiac Catheterization                                                                

Pre-Cardiac Catheterization

Post-Cardiac Catheterization  

2    Congenital Heart Disease                                                              

Acyanotic Heart Defects/Lesions with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow  

Atrial Septal Defect  

Atrioventricular Canal Defect  

Patent Ductus Arteriosus  

Ventricular Septal Defect  

Acyanotic Heart Defects/Lesions with Obstruction to Blood Flow  

Aortic Stenosis  

Coarctation of the Aorta 

Pulmonary Stenosis  

Cyanotic Heart Defects/Lesions with Decreased Pulmonary Blood Flow  

Tetralogy of Fallot  

Tricuspid Atresia  

Cyanotic Heart Defects/Lesions with Mixed Blood Flow  

Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection  

Transposition of the Great Arteries  

Truncus Arteriosus  

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan  

Postoperative, Post-Pediatric ICU Nursing Care Plan 

3    Congestive Heart Failure                                                              

4    Hypertension                                                                                        

5    Infective Endocarditis                                                                     

6    Rheumatic Fever                                                                                 


Care of Children with Endocrine Dysfunction            

1    Diabetes Insipidus                                                                                

2    Diabetes Mellitus                                                                               

3    Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone                                                                                                 


Care of Children with Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance   

1    Burns                                                                                                        

2    Diarrhea, Dehydration, and Gastrointeritis                         


Care of Children with Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

1    Appendicitis                                                                                           

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

2    Bowel Obstruction                                                                            



3    Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate                                                             

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan  

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

4    Esophageal Atresia and Tracheoesophageal Fistula       

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan  

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

5    Gastroesophageal Reflux                                                             

6    Hirschsprung Disease                                                                       

Nursing Care Plan at Time of Diagnosis  

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan for Pull-Through Procedure  

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

7    Inflammatory Bowel Disease                                                       

Ulcerative Colitis  

Crohn’s Disease  

8    Pyloric Stenosis                                                                                 

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan  

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

9    Short-Bowel Syndrome (Short-Gut Syndrome)                    


Care of Children with Hemopoietic Dysfunction And Neoplasms                                                                              

1    Hemophilia                                                                                             

2    Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura                                    

3    Neoplasms                                                                                              

Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia  

Hodgkin’s Disease  


Osteogenic Sarcoma  


Wilms Tumor  

Nursing Care Plan for the Child Receiving Chemotherapy  

4    Sickle Cell Disease                                                                            


Care of Children with Hepatic Dysfunction                 

1    Chronic Liver Failure                                                                      


Care of Children with Infections                                    

1    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)                       

2    Cellulitis                                                                                               

3    Kawasaki Disease 


Care of Children with Musculoskeletal Dysfunction         

1    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

2    Fractures 

3    Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis 

4    Osteomyelitis  

5    Scoliosis 

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  

6    Septic Arthritis  


Care of Children with Neurologic/Neuromuscular Dysfunction                                                                           

1    Cerebral Palsy                                                                                    

2    Guillain-Barré Syndrome                                                               

3    Hydrocephalus                                                                                    

Preoperative Nursing Care Plan  229

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan  232

4    Bacterial Meningitis                                                                        

5    Neural Tube Defects (Spina Bifida and Myelomeningocele)        

6    Seizures  


Care of Children with Pulmonary Dysfunction           

1    Apnea of Infancy (AOI) 

2    Asthma/Reactive Airway Disease 

3    Bronchiolitis  

4    Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia  

5    Cystic Fibrosis  

6    Foreign Body Aspiration  

7    Laryngotracheobronchitis/Viral Croup

8    Pertussis (Whooping Cough) 

9    Pneumonia 

10  Tuberculosis 


Care of Children with Urogenital Dysfunction          

1    Acute Glomerulonephritis 

2    Chronic Renal Failure 

3    Nephrotic Syndrome  

4    Vesicoureteral Reflux 

Postoperative Nursing Care Plan for Ureteral Implantation  

5    Urinary Tract Infection/Pyelonephritis 


Care of Children with Failure to Thrive                      

1    Failure to Thrive 


Care of Children Who Have Been Maltreated 

1    Child Maltreatment                                                                         

Nursing Care Plan for Child Victims of Physical Abuse  

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