Product Design, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 28, 2000) © 2001

  • Kevin Otto
  • Kristin Wood
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  • A print text

Designed and targeted for the undergraduate, graduate and practicing engineer.

Product Design presents an in-depth study of structured design processes and methods.

 1. Journeys in Product Development.

 2. Product Development Process Tools.

 3. Scoping Product Developments: Technical and Business Concerns.

 4. Understanding Customer Needs.

 5. Establishing Product Function.

 6. Product Teardown and Experimentation.

 7. Benchmarking and Establishing Engineering Specifications.

 8. Product Portfolios and Portfolio Architecture.

 9. Product Architecture.

10. Generating Concepts.

11. Concept Selection.

12. Concept Embodiment.

13. Modeling of Product Metrics.

14. Design for Manufacture and Assembly.

15. Design for the Environment.

16. Analytical and Numerical Model Solutions.

17. Physical Prototypes.

18. Physical Models and Experimentation.

19. Design for Robustness.

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