Stuttering: Foundations and Clinical Applications, 2nd edition

Published by Pearson (December 31, 2014) © 2015

  • Ehud H. Yairi University of Illinois and University of Tel Aviv
  • Carol H. Seery University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
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Part I: Nature of Stuttering        

1    What Is Stuttering? 

2    Who and How Many Stutter?           

3    When and How Does Stuttering Begin? How Does It Develop?         

4    Where Does Stuttering End? What are its Advanced Characteristics?

Part II: Explanations of Stuttering          

5    Why Do People Stutter? Evaluating Theories and Models     

6    Is Stuttering Psychological? Theories and Investigations      

7    Is Stuttering Biological? Theories and Investigations

Part III: Clinical Management of Stuttering 

8    Assessment of Adults and School-Age Children      

9    Assessment of Preschool-Age Children

10    Stuttering Therapy Overview: Issues and Directions

11   Therapy for Adults: Focus on Emotional Reactions  

12   Therapy for Adults: Focus on Stuttering and Fluency           

13   Therapy for School-Age Children     

14    Therapy for Preschool-Age Children           

15   Other Fluency Disorders; Cultural and Bilingual Issues

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