Teaching Science to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Students, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) © 2012

  • Amy Cox-Petersen
  • Amy Cox-Petersen California State University, Fullerton
  • Leah R Melber
  • Leah Melber
  • Terri Patchen
  • Terri R. Patchen California State University, Fullerton , California State University, Fullerton
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Chapter 1: Culturally Relevant Science Instruction

Teaching Science with Access for all Students

Eight Explicit Strategies to Encourage Cultural Relevant Science Instruction

Challenges for Students from Non-English Language Backgrounds

Case Study 1.1: Snapshot of Ahna’s Culturally Relevant Classroom


Chapter 2: Culturally Relevant Inquiry and Action

Scientific Methods and Processes

Inquiry Process Skills

Teacher as Facilitator

Effective Use of Questioning

Allowing Students to be Experts

Integrating Inquiry across the Curriculum

Extending the Walls of the Classroom

Building Fluency outside the Classroom

Case Study 2.1: Expect the Unexpected


Chapter 3:  Literacy Development through Science

Importance of Authentic Connections

Language Arts and the Work of Scientists

Reviewing Information Sources

Sharing Discoveries

Extending the Experience

Case Study 3.1: Sixth Grade Service Learning Project


Chapter 4: Teaching Strategies that Promote Science Access for All Students

Learner Differences

Integrating Cognitive Views of Learning

Inquiry Models

Making Models of Teaching more Culturally Relevant

Case Study 4.1: Teachers and Students participating in a Group Investigation science activity


Chapter 5:  Assessment, Evaluation, and Culturally and Linguistically-Diverse Students

Multidimensional assessment procedures

Different Assessment Methods




Assessing Attitudes, Values, and Beliefs

Assessing Portfolios, Products, and Performances

Case Study 5.1: Mrs. Weirath’s Garden


Chapter 6: Family Connections

Creating new collaborative frameworks for culturally relevant practice with families and communities

Joyce Epstein’s (2001) Six Types of Involvement for Families and Schools

Building Home-School Partnerships

Connecting Science with Students’ Community

Working Together

Case Study 6.1: Family Science Night


Chapter 7: Keeping Current and Assessing Resources

Eight Explicit Culturally-Relevant Strategies Revisited

Assessing Resources

Planning and Preparation

Integration of Technology

Funding Resources

Grants Available to Schools and Teachers

Case Study 7.1: Mrs. Rey and Hands-On Science


Final Comments

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