Understanding Social Welfare: A Search for Social Justice, 9th edition

Published by Pearson (January 13, 2012) © 2013

  • Ralph Dolgoff University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • Donald Feldstein Council of Jewish Federations


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  • Approaches social welfare as formal and informal, governmental, non-profit, for profit, family and friends, and combinations.   (ex. p. 272)
  • Empirical evidence is introduced to illustrate the impact of social and economic structural factors. (ex. p. 57)
  • The importance of the “cascading” effect is introduced. (ex. p. 3)
  • The impact of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform is introduced. (ex. p. 195)


  • Challenges readers to make their own decisions as they encounter policies and programs with enhanced knowledge and analytic skills. (ex. p. 121)


  • The impact of national deficits and growing debt is the background for consideration of the Road Map for America which advocates conservative plans for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid which has the potential to reverse three quarters of a century of social policy. (ex. p. 192)
  • The issue of cutting or spending federal expenditures is identified as a current issue and also the issue where a critical misstep was made during the Great Depression. (ex. p. 120)
  • The topics of poverty and the distribution of incomes and wealth in the United States are explored, including two “welfare” systems, one for the poor and the other for the middle class and wealthy. (ex. p. 154)


  • Trends, data, and discussions are all up-to-date, including contexts, programs, income, poverty, wealth, demographics, and the several welfare systems. (ex. p. 129)
  • A brief review of Bush administration, TARP, and stimulus is included.   (ex. p. 120)
  • The Obama Administration, the financial crisis, the effort to avoid a second Great Depression, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (The Stimulus) are discussed.   (ex. p. 120)
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is described in detail through its phases of implementation, issues, and financing. (ex. p. 234)
  • Description and analysis of all programs have been updated.


  • Strong Supplements Package: Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), Blackboard Test Item File, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Create a Custom Text: For enrollments of at least 25, create your own textbook by combining chapters from best-selling Pearson textbooks and/or reading selections in the sequence you want.  To begin building your custom text, visit www.pearsoncustomlibrary.com. You may also work with a dedicated Pearson Custom editor to create your ideal text–publishing your own original content or mixing and matching Pearson content. Contact your Pearson Publisher’s Representative to get started.

Found in this Section:

1. Overview of Changes

2. Chapter-by-Chapter Changes

1. Overview of Changes


  • Challenges readers to make their own decisions as they encounter policies and programs with enhanced knowledge and analytic skills.  (ex. p. 121)


  • The impact of national deficits and growing debt is the background for consideration of the Road Map for America which advocates conservative plans for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid which has the potential to reverse three quarters of a century of social policy. (ex. p. 192)
  • The issue of cutting or spending federal expenditures is identified as a current issue and also the issue where a critical misstep was made during the Great Depression. (ex. p. 120)
  • An understanding poverty and the distribution of incomes and wealth in the United States, including two “welfare” systems, one for the poor and the other for the middle class and wealthy. (ex. p. 154)


  • Trends, data, and discussions are all up-to-date, including contexts, programs, income, poverty, wealth, demographics, and the several welfare systems. (ex. p. 129)
  • A brief review of the Bush administration, TARP, and stimulus are included. (ex. p. 120)
  • The Obama Administration, the financial crisis, the effort to avoid a second Great Depression, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (The Stimulus) are discussed.  (ex. p. 120)
  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) is described in detail through its phases of implementation, issues, and financing. (ex. p. 234)
  • Description and analysis of all programs have been updated.


  • Strong Supplements Package: Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Computerized Test Bank (MyTest), Blackboard Test Item File, and PowerPoint presentations.
  • Create a Custom Text: For enrollments of at least 25, create your own textbook by combining chapters from best-selling Pearson textbooks and/or reading selections in the sequence you want.  To begin building your custom text, visit www.pearsoncustomlibrary.com. You may also work with a dedicated Pearson Custom editor to create your ideal text–publishing your own original content or mixing and matching Pearson content. Contact your Pearson Publisher’s Representative to get started.

2. Chapter-by-Chapter Changes

Chapter 1

  • Introduced the importance of the cascading effect    
  • Explicit social minimum, human rights and social justice themes throughout the book.

Chapter 4

  • Introduction of the programs of the German Krupp Industry as a forerunner of social insurances implemented by Germany’s Bismarck in 1880s for similar reasons.

Chapter 6

  • Obama Administration, Financial Crisis, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Great Recession, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus)
  • An expanded description of the legislative process within federalism is included which generally tends toward incrementalism and away from comprehensive change.

 Chapter 7

  • Examples are provided of clinical social work practice and social justice. 

Chapter 9

  • National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform  
  • Proposals regarding the future of Social Security, including the Road Map for America — Conservative Proposals for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid
  • Incorporates description and data re the latest social welfare legislation as well as the potential future directions.

Chapter 10

  • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) in detail and issues, including changes in Medicare and Medicaid.
  • Incorporates description and data re the latest social welfare legislation as well as the potential future directions.

Chapter 11

  • New trends in volunteering are described.

Chapter 13

  • Issues confronting social work and social welfare: the 2010 Social Work Congress, Leadership, Multiculturalism, religion and Spirituality, Technologies, Managed Care, Sufficient Quantity of qualified social workers and other resources and accountability.

Chapter 14

  • Discussion of the latest policy issues re gays and lesbians  

Chapter 15

  • Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan and social justice.
  • Children and the life effects of poverty and social justice. 
  • Elder abuse and social justice.






Chapter 1: Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility

Chapter 2: Social Values and Social Welfare    

Chapter 3: Social Values and Social Welfare: England from the Middle Ages Onward    

Chapter 4: Social Values and Social Welfare: The American Experience I    

Chapter 5: America and Poverty: Two Paths: The American Experience II    

Chapter 6: Concepts for Social Welfare    

Chapter 7: Examining a Social Welfare Program within the Context of Social Justice: Structural Components, Alternative Program Characteristics, and Evaluation    

Chapter 8: The Welfare Society and Its Clients    

Chapter 9: Current Social Welfare Programs—Economic Security

Chapter 10: Social Welfare Programs: Sustaining the Quality of Life    

Chapter 11: Nonprofit and Private Social Welfare    

Chapter 12: Social Work: The Emergence of a Profession    

Chapter 13: Social Work: Functions, Context, and Issues    

Chapter 14: Social Trends Affecting Social Welfare   

Chapter 15: Toward the General Welfare and Social Justice    





Chapter 1: Socioeconomic Structure, Human Needs, and Mutual Responsibility    


The Impact of Social and Economic Structures    

Cascading Effects

Defining Social Welfare and Social Work    

The American Myth of the Hero    

Balancing Individual and Societal Responsibilities    

Human Rights, Social Justice, Social Work, and Social Welfare    

Equality of Opportunity

The Authors’ Perspective  


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 2: Social Values and Social Welfare    


Modern Views of Humanity    

Self-Actualization versus Irritation Response Theories    

Economics and Human Motivation    

An Overview of History    

Ancient Cultures    

Early Christianity    

Holy Poverty and Expectations of the Wealthy    

Eastern Cultures    


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Chapter 3: Social Values and Social Welfare: England from the Middle Ages Onward    


The Early Middle Ages    

The Middle Middle Ages    

The Late Middle Ages to Elizabethan Poor Laws    

Work and Religion    

The Poor Laws    

The Poor Law Compilation of 1601    


The Workhouse    

The Poor Law of 1834    

Principles of the Poor Laws    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 4: Social Values and Social Welfare: The American Experience I


American Poor Law Mentality    

Settlements, Labor, and Imported “Poor Laws”    

The Early Spanish Influence, the Mexicans, and Other Hispanics    

Voluntary Mutual Aid Efforts    

Voluntary and Public Responsibilities    

The American Frontier: The Myth and Values    

Mutual Aid among Immigrant Groups    

Rugged Individualism and/or Cooperation?    

American Indians and U.S. History    

The Federal Role in Social Welfare    

The Freedmen’s Bureau    

Veterans and a Suspension of the Ethic    

City, Town, and County: A Local Institution

Social Darwinism    

The Coming of Social Insurance    

Society, Social Values, and Modern Views of Human Nature    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 5: America and Poverty: Two Paths: The American Experience II    


Three Discoveries of Poverty   

The War on Poverty    

The “Skirmish” against Poverty    

Families, Children, and Poverty    

The Paths Forward    

Human Nature and the American Dream    


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Chapter 6: Concepts for Social Welfare    


What Is Social Welfare?    

Social Policy, Social Services, and Social Work    

Ideology, Social Policy, and Government Intervention    

The Federal and Pluralist System    

The Economic Sphere    

The Importance of Fiscal and Monetary Policy    

A Tarnished Business Sector?    

A Second Welfare System—Corporate and Individual Welfare    

Globalization and Social Justice    

The Bush Administration  

International and National Background Features and the Search for the Dream  


Questions for Consideration   

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Chapter 7: Examining a Social Welfare Program within the Context of Social Justice: Structural Components, Alternative Program Characteristics, and Evaluation    


Structural Components    

Alternative Program Characteristics    

Evaluating the Program    

Testing for Social Justice    

Views and Proponents    

The Social Work Clinical Practice Sphere and Social Justice    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 8: The Welfare Society and Its Clients    


Who Is a Client of Social Welfare?    

What Is Poverty?    

A Description of the Poor    

Other Views of Poverty    

Ideology Revisited    

The Second Bush Administration    

The Obama Administration

Ideology Once Again    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 9: Current Social Welfare Programs—Economic Security    


Social Insurance Programs    

Social Security (OASDI)    

Unemployment Insurance    

Temporary Disability Insurance    

Workers’ Compensation    

Income Support Programs    

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families    

Supplemental Security Income    

General Assistance    

Earned Income Tax Credit    

Socioeconomic Asset Development    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 10: Social Welfare Programs: Sustaining the Quality of Life    


Managed Care: A Radical Change    

Health Care Programs    

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) 

Nutrition Programs  

Low-Income Home Energy Assistance    


Veterans’ Benefits    

Employment Programs    

Personal Social Services    

Mental Health Services    



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Chapter 11: Nonprofit and Private Social Welfare    


Early Patterns    

The Nonprofit Sector    

The Proprietary Private For-Profit Organization    

Services of the Nonprofit and Private Sectors    

Getting and Spending    


Private and Nonprofit Agencies as Social Welfare Programs    

Finances, Recessions, Budgets, and Mergers

Leadership, Class, and Gender    

Private and Public Spheres    

The Marketplace and the Nonmarket Domain    

Family and Friends    

Toward the Future   


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 12: Social Work: The Emergence of a Profession    


The Workers of “Good Works”    

The Process of Professionalization    

A Brief History of Practice and Methods    

Development of the Professional Association    

Social Work with Groups    

Community Organization and Social Planning    

Toward a Unified Profession    


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 13: Social Work: Functions, Context, and Issues    


The Purposes of Social Work    

The Professional within Complex Organizations    

Society, the Functions of Social Work, and Services for People    

The Two Tracks of Social Work: Cause and Function    

Generic–Specific Social Work    

2010 Social Work Congress


Questions for Consideration    

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Chapter 14: Social Trends Affecting Social Welfare   


National Society    

Food Security

The United States: A Changing Population, a Selected Social Welfare Agenda, and Social Justice    


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Chapter 15: Toward the General Welfare and Social Justice    


Children and Poverty

Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan

Elder Abuse

What Are the Major Types of Elder Abuse?

What is Known About Interventions?

Social Policy

Implications for Social Work

Globalization, Privatization, Socially Just Services, and the Future of Social Welfare    

The Roles of Social Work

Issues for Social Workers

A Second Welfare System: Corporate and Taxpayer Welfare and Social Justice

The Choices Before Us: Social Justice and the Baby-Boomer Generation    

Technology and Social Action    

Where We Are    

Coda: Two Views of the Future    


Questions for Consideration    

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APPENDIX: Sources of Information and Timeline   


Ralph Dolgoff is a professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore where he also served as Dean. Previously he served as acting dean and associate dean at the Adelphi University School of Social Work, and as Senior Program Specialist at the Council on Social Work Education. Dr. Dolgoff is the author of Introduction to Supervisory Practice in the Human Services and con-author (with Donna Harrington and Frank Loewenberg) of Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice (9th edition), two editions of which have been translated into Korean and Chinese. He has published widely on social and welfare services, ethics, social policy, and social work education.

Dr. Donald Feldstein is the former executive vice-president of the Council of Jewish federations. He had a distinguished career in Jewish Communal Services and in social work education. He is the author of numerous monographs and articles in the previously mentioned fields.

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