Understanding UNIX/LINUX Programming: A Guide to Theory and Practice, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 25, 2002) © 2003

  • Bruce Molay
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  • A print text

For courses in Unix Systems Programming, Unix System Administration, and as a supplemental text for courses in Advanced Networks and Systems Programming.

This readable and comprehensive text clearly explains Unix programming and structure by addressing the solid fundamentals of Unix and providing different solutions to problems. All ideas and principles are introduced in the context of a practical problem, and excellent use is made of illustrations and listings in the text. Projects are solved by the development of complete programs, which are clearly commented on and integrated with explanations in the text.

  •  1. Unix Systems Programming: The Big Picture.
  •  2. Users, Files, and the Manual: Who Is First.
  •  3. Directories and File Properties
  •  4. Focus on File Systems
  •  5. Connection Control
  •  6. Programming for Humans: Terminal Control and Signals.
  •  7. Event-Driven Programming: Writing a Video Game.
  •  8. Processes and Programs
  •  9. A Programmable Shell: Shell Variables and the Environment.
  • 10. I/O Redirection and Pipes.
  • 11. Connecting to Processes Near and Far: Servers and Sockets.
  • 12. Connections and Protocols: Writing a Web Server.
  • 13. Programming with Datagrams: A License Server.
  • 14. Threads: Concurrent Functions.
  • 15. IPC Roundup: Can We Talk?

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