UNIX Unbounded: A Beginning Approach, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) © 2008

  • Amir Afzal
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For introductory courses in the UNIX operating system.

Using clear-cut examples, this tutorial introduces students to the UNIX operating system, including its historical development, major versions, and important features. It covers the topics necessary for users to function independently and handle routine tasks, giving students a foundation for exploring more advanced UNIX topics.


Note: Each chapter concludes with Review Exercises.


1: First Thing First

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Computers: An Overview

1.3 Computer Hardware

1.4 Process Operation

1.5 What Is Software

2: The Unix Operating System

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Other Unix Systems

2.3 Overview Of The Unix Operating System

2.4 Unix Features

3: Getting Started

3.1            Establishing Contact With Unix 

3.2         Using Some Simple Commands

3.3         Getting Help

3.4         Correcting Typing Mistakes

3.5         Using Shells And Utilities

3.6         More About Logging-In Process

Command Summary

Terminal Session

4: The Vi Editor: First Look

4.1            What Is An Editor

4.2            The Vi Editor

4.3            Basic Vi Editor Commands

4.4            Memory Buffers

Command Summary

Terminal Session

5: Introduction To The Unix File System

5.1            Disk Organization

5.2            File Types Under Unix

5.3            All About Directories

5.4            Directory Commands

5.5           Displaying Files Contents

5.6            Printing Files Contents

5.7            Deleting Files

Command Summary

Terminal Session

6: The Vi Editor: Last Look

6.1            More About The Vi Editor

6.2            Rearranging Text

6.3            Scope Of The Vi Operators

6.4            Using Buffers In Vi

6.5            The Cursor Positioning Keys

6.6            Customizing The Vi Editor

6.7             The Last Of The Great Vi Commands

6 (Alternative): The Emacs Editor

6.1    Introduction

6.2    Starting Emacs

6.3    Emacs Screen

6.4    Ending Emacs

6.5    Helps In Emacs

6.6    Cursor Movement Keys

6.7    Deleting Text

6.8    Rearranging Text

6.9    Case Conversion Commands

6.10    File Manipulation

6.11    Emacs Buffers

6.12    File Recovery Option

6.13    Search And Replacing

6.14    Emacs Windows

6.15    The .Emacs File

6.16    Command Line Options

Command Summary

Terminal Session

7: The Unix File System Continued

7.1            Reading/Viewing Files

7.2             Shell Redirection

7.3             Enhanced File Printing

7.4             File Manipulation Commands

7.5             Filename Substitution

7.6             More File Manipulation Commands

7.7             Unix Internals: The File System

Command Summary

Terminal Session

8: Exploring The Shell

8.1            The Unix Shell

8.2             Shell Variables

8.3            More Metacharacters)

8.4            More Unix Utilities

8.5             Startup Files

8.6             Korn And Bourne Again Shells

8.7            Unix Process Management

Command Summary

Terminal Session

9: Unix Communication

9.1    Ways To Communicate

9.2    Electronic Mail

9.3    Mailx Input Mode

9.4    Mailx Command Mode

9.5    Customizing The Mailx Environment

9.6    Communication Outside The Local System

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Terminal Session

10: Program Development

10.1    Program Development

10.2    Programming Languages

10.3    Programming Mechanics

10.4    A Simple C++ Program

10.5    Unix Program Tracking Utilities

Command Summary

Terminal Session

11: Shell Programming

11.1    Understanding Unix Shell Programming Language

11.2    Writing More Shell Scripts

11.3    Exploring Shell Programming Basics

11.4    Arithmetic Operations

11.5    The Loop Constructs

11.6    Debugging Shell Programs

Command Summary

Terminal Session

12: Shell Scripts: Writing Applications

12.1    Writing Applications

12.2    Unix Internals: The Signals

12.3    More About Terminals

12.4    More Commands

12.5    A Menu Driven Application

13: Farewell To Unix

13.1  Disk Space

13.2  More Unix Commands

13.3  Spelling Error Correction

13.4  Unix Security

13.5  Using Ftp

13.6  Working With Compressed Files

13.7  Telnet Command

13.8  Remote Computing

Command Summary

Terminal Session



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