Using THE SIOPĀ® MODEL with Pre-K and Kindergarten English Learners, 1st edition

Published by Pearson (November 21, 2011) Ā© 2012

  • Jana Echevarria California State University, Long Beach
  • Deborah J. Short Academic Language Research & Training, Arlington, VA
  • Carla Peterson
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Chapter 1 The SIOP Model and Young Children

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  What is the SIOP Model?

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  The SIOP Model: 8 Components and 30 Features

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Research-Validated Approach

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  SIOP Professional Development

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 2Ā  Getting to Know Young English Learners and Early Childhood Programs by Carla Peterson, Gayle J. Luze, Molly Luchtel and Emily Worthington

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Young Children and How They Grow

English Learners in Early Care and Education

Challenges in Early Childhood Instruction

Changing Landscape of Early Care and Education

Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 3 Ā Language Development in Young Children

How Is Language Learned?

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Language Register

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Language Purposes

Ā Teacher Roles in Language Development

First (Home) Language Development

English Language Development

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Academic Language

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Language Assessment

Parents As Partners

Supporting Children with Disabilities

Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 4 Using the SIOP with Young Learners: Lesson Preparation, Building Background

Components of the SIOP Model

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Lesson Preparation

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Building Background

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 5 Using the SIOP with Young Learners: Comprehensible Input and Strategies

Components of the SIOP Model

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Comprehensible Input

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Strategies

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Concluding Thoughts

Chapter 6 Ā Using the SIOP with Young Learners: Interaction and Lesson Delivery

Components of the SIOP Model

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Interaction

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Lesson Delivery

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Concluding Thoughts

Chapter 7 Using the SIOP with Young Learners: Practice & Application and Review & Assessment

Components of the SIOP Model

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Practice & Application

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Review & Assessment

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 8 Ā Implementing the SIOP Model in Preschool and Kindergarten: Sample Programs

Columbus Junction, Iowa

Veterans Memorial Elementary School, Rhode Island

AppleTree Institute for Education Innovation Partnership, Washington DC

Concluding Thoughts


Chapter 9 Best Practice Using the SIOP protocol to Support Teachers

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Best Practices in Using the SIOP Protocol

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Lesson Observation

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Teacher Self-Reflection

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Professional Development

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Guidelines for Using the SIOP Protocol in Early Childhood Settings

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Benefits of Using the SIOP Model and Protocol

Using the Comments Feature on the SIOPĀ® Protocol

Reliability and Validity of the SIOPĀ®

Ā Concluding Thoughts


Appendix A: The SIOP Protocol: Full Version, Short Version, SIOP Checklist

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