Word Identification Strategies: Building Phonics into a Classroom Reading Program, 5th edition

Published by Pearson (December 22, 2011) © 2012

  • Barbara J. Fox North Carolina State University
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Chapter 1

Word Identification in Your Classroom Reading Program  1

Why Do We Teach Phonics?  

Essential Elements of Phonics in Your Successful Classroom Reading Program

Teach Phonics Directly

Teach Phonics Systematically

Teach Phonics Early

Keep Phonics Instruction Meaningful

Support Children as They Use Phonics While Reading and Writing

Keeping Phonics in Balance in Your Classroom Reading Program

           When Should You Teach Phonics?

           How Will You Teach Phonics?

           How Much Time Should You Spend Teaching Phonics?

           Under What Circumstances Should You Teach Phonics?

How Children Read Words


           Letter-Sound Decoding

           Analyzing the Structure of Long Words


           Instant Recognition

Metacognitive Awareness

Keeping Word Identification Meaning-Focused Through Teaching Children to Self-Monitor, Self-Correct, and Cross-Check




Stages of Learning to Read Words

Prealphabetic Word Learners in Preschool and Kindergarten

Partial Alphabetic Word Learners in Kindergarten and Early First Grade

Alphabetic Word Learners in Late Kindergarten Through Second Grade

Consolidated Word Learners in Third Grade and Above

Automatic Readers


Chapter 2

Phonemic Awareness: Becoming Aware of the Sounds of Language  

What Is Phonemic Awareness?  

What Is Phonological Awareness?  

Phonemic Is Important for Learning to Read

Phonemic Awareness Develops Sequentially

Word Awareness in Preschool

Syllable Awareness in Preschool and Early Kindergarten

Rhyme and Beginning Sound Awareness in Preschool and Kindergarten

Sound Awareness and Blending in Kindergarten through Second Grade

Manipulating Sounds in First and Second Grade

Rhyme and Beginning Sound Awareness

Classroom Activities for Developing Rhyme and Beginning Sound Awareness

Spare Minute Activities for Developing Rhyme Awareness

Phonemic Awareness

Best Practices for Developing Phonemic Awareness

Classroom Activities for Developing Phonemic Awareness

Sound Awareness


Spare Minute Activities for Developing Phonemic Awareness  58

Phonemic Awareness Assessment Tools

Informal Assessment Tools

Formal, Norm-Referenced Assessment Tools

Teaching Phonemic Awareness in Your Classroom Reading Program


First Grade

Second Grade

Teaching Phonemic Awareness to English Language Learners

Teaching Phonemic Awareness to Children At Risk

E-Resources for Teaching Phonemic Awareness


Chapter 3

Early Word Identification in Preschool and Early Kindergarten: The Strategies of Using Logos, Pictures, Word Shape, and Partial Letter-Sound Associations to Read New Words 

Environmental Cues: Associating Meaning with the Print in Everyday Surroundings in Preschool 68

Picture Cues: The Inferring Meaning from Illustrations in Preschool and Early Kindergarten

Configuration Cues: Using Word Length, Word Shape, or Eye-Catching Letters to Read New Words in Preschool and Early Kindergarten

Word Shape

Word Length

Letter Shape

Prealphabetic Word Learners and Emergent Spellers in Preschool and Early Kindergarten

Partial Alphabetic Word Learners and Early Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers in Kindergarten and Early First Grade

Best Practices for Teaching Partial Alphabetic Word Learners

Teaching Letter Names and a Sound for Each Letter to English Language Learners

Teaching Letter Names and a Sound for Each Letter to Children At Risk

E-Resources for Teaching Letter Names and a Sound for Each Letter


Chapter 4

Analogy-Based Phonics in Late Kindergarten and First Grade: The Strategy of Using the Predictable Patterns in Known Words to Read New Words  83

Looking Inside Syllables to Find Onsets and Rimes

Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Famililes

How Children Use the Onsets and Rimes in Known Word Family Words to Read New Words

Early Alphabetic Word Learners and Late Letter Name-Alphabetic Spellers

How Rimes Make It Possible for Early Alphabetic Word Learners to Read New Words

Best Practices for Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics  with Word Family Words

Classroom Activities for Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Family Words

Spare Minute Activities for Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Family Words

Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Family Words to English Language Learners

Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Family Words to Children At Risk

E-Resources for Teaching Analogy-Based Phonics with Word Family Words


Chapter 5

Letter-Sound Phonics in Late Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade: The Strategy of Using Letter-Sounds to Read and Learn New Words 

Phonics Letter-Sound Patterns  

Which Letter-Sound Patterns to Teach and When to Teach Them

Teaching Letter-Sound Phonics in Your Classroom Reading Program  


First Grade  

Second Grade  

Third Grade  

Fourth and Fifth Grades  

How Children Use Letter-Sound Phonics to Read New Words  

Correcting Misidentifications  

Minor Mistakes  

Best Practices for Teaching Letter-Sound-Based Phonics  

Do Phonics Rules Belong in Your Classroom Reading Program?  

Full Alphabetic Word Learners and Within Word Pattern Spellers  

Decodable Books and Your Classroom Reading Program 

Classroom Activities for Teaching Letter-Sound-Based Phonics  

Spare-Minute Activities for Teaching Letter-Sound Phonics  

Teaching Letter-Sound Phonics to English Language Learners

Teaching Letter-Sound Phonics to Children At Risk

E-Resources for Teaching Letter-Sound Phonics


Chapter 6

Analyzing the Strucgtue of Long Words in Third Grade and Above: The Strategy of Using Multiletter Word Parts to Read and Learn Long Words

The Structure of Long Words

Free and Bound Morphemes

Teaching Word Structure in Your Classroom Reading Program

First and Second Grades

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades

How Children Read New Words by Analyzing Word Structure

Correcting Misidentifications

Consolidated Word Learners and Syllalbles and Affixes Spellers



Base Words

Best Practices for Teaching Prefixes and Suffixes

Greek and Latin Word Parts

Compound Words



Syllable Patterns

Clues to Syllable Division

Accent Patterns

Best Practices for Teaching Syllable Patterns and Accent

Classroom Activities for Teaching the Structure of Long Words

Spare-Minute Activities for Teaching the Structure of Long Words

Teaching Word Structure to English Language Learners

Teaching Word Structure to Children At Risk

E-Resources for Teaching Word Structure


Appendix A

Letter-Sound Patterns: What the Phonics Teacher Needs to Know About How Letters Represent Sounds

Key Vocabulary 


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