Mondly by Pearson

Boost your learners' speaking skills with 500+ minutes of practice.

Learners demand more speaking practice. Our study reveals 52% of English learners leave their formal education without confidence in their speaking skills *

Meet your solution: Mondly by Pearson is the ultimate companion in tackling this challenge head-on. Seamlessly integrating with your classroom teaching, our app offers over 500 minutes of targeted speaking practice, building your learners' confidence.

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Go beyond speaking: supporting the development of all four language skills

To really learn a language you need to bring together all four language skills. Which is why Mondly by Pearson provides access to over 1,000 bite-sized English language lessons, designed to keep learners engaged as they improve their reading, writing, listening – and speaking – skills.

Whether your learners are inside or outside of the classroom, instant feedback, leader board scores and daily reminders keep them motivated to practise and progress their English skills.

Mondly by Pearson: your trusted classroom companion

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Designed by learning experts

With Pearson pedagogy at its core, Mondly by Pearson is designed to engage, motivate and empower learners – boosting their confidence in English.

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Simple to use

One click installation and easy licence distribution makes integration into your existing curriculum effortless. And it can be installed on mobiles, tablets and desktops.

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Monitor in real time

An at-a-glance dashboard means you can keep an eye on their progress. And downloadable reports help you personalise each learning journey to fast-track progress.

40+ additional languages

Learners can embark on a linguistic journey beyond English. Our vast selection of 40 languages enables to explore them, all from their first language.

Don't just take our word for it

84% of customers seeking support report a 5-star experience

With a dedicated email contact and enquiry replies within 24 hours, it's no surprise why 84% of support seeking customers report a positive experience.**

86% of Mondly by Pearson users feel prepared for speaking English in the real world

Our feedback shows that Mondly by Pearson has helped over 86% of learners feel better prepared and 84% feel more confident to speak English in the real world.***

Award-winning excellence

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App of the Year Facebook

Updates are deployed incrementally on iOS, Android and desktop platforms, resulting in variations in feature availability across these platforms.

Finding from 2024 global report on people using English in the workplace: How English empowers your tomorrow: The life-changing impact of learning English on your career and beyond, Pearson (2024).
** According to publicly available data on Trustpilot that ‘references customer care’ as of 25/01/2024.
*** Based on a survey conducted in February 2024 of 50 active Mondly by Pearson users in Central and South America.