Content Strategy Toolkit, The: Methods, Guidelines, and Templates for Getting Content Right, 1st edition

Published by New Riders (June 18, 2015) © 2015

  • Meghan Casey



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This go-to guide is ideal for Web design, user experience, business students and any other students tasked with developing clear and consistent content in any medium. It provides guidelines for developing and implementing a content strategy, and an abundance of examples along with concrete suggestions and action plans for implementing these strategies.

In the end, students will be able to:

• Tell a cohesive story, which translates into conversions

• Stop wasting time and money re-writing the same or similar content over and over

• Give customers one clear message that's consistent in all mediums

• Determine whether their content is boosting their brand and the bottom line

• Develop guidelines that let them say no to unnecessary content that's not on-brand

• Keep content up-to-date by improving organization and making the task less time-consuming

Section I: Get Budget and Buy-in

Chapter 1: Identify the Problems and Opportunities
Chapter 2: Convince Leaders and Get the Resources
Section II: Set Up for Success
Chapter 3: Get Stakeholders On-board
Chapter 4: Set and Align on Project Objectives
Chapter 5: Run the Project

Section III: Dig In and Get the Dirt

Chapter 6: Understand Your Business Environment

Chapter 7: Learn About Your Audience and Users

Chapter 8: Get Familiar With Your Content

Chapter 9: Review How Work Gets Planned and Done

Chapter 10: Put it all together

Section IV: Articulate Your Strategy

Chapter 11: Create a Content Compass

Chapter 12: Decide How You’ll Measure Success

Chapter 13: Design Your Content 

Section V: Put Your Strategy Into Action

Chapter 14: Create On-strategy Content

Chapter 15: Plan and Maintain Over Time

Appendix: List of Tools



Meghan Casey is the lead content strategist at Brain Traffic, the world’s leading agency devoted exclusively to content. She helps a wide variety of clients–startups, nonprofits, colleges and universities, Fortune 50 companies, and everything inbetween–solve the messy content problems most organizations encounter every day. She has also helped The Nerdery, a software development shop, build content strategy into their User Experience practice. Meghan is a regular trainer and speaker on content strategy topics and once inspired workshop participants to do the wave. Yep, that really happened. She has been working with content and communications since 1996.

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