Lesson 1Â shopping
           Lesson focus: spelling change: double the p when adding ing
Lesson 2Â tripped
           Lesson focus: spelling change: double the p when adding ed
                                   homophones tied, tide
Lesson 3Â scrubbing
           Lesson focus spelling change: double the b when adding ing
Lesson 4Â branches
           Lesson focus: spelling change: es is added when words end in ch
Lesson 5Â crashes
           Lesson focus: spelling change: es is added when words end in sh or ch
Lesson 6Â shoppers
           Lesson focus: suffix er meaning person or thing that does something
                                   spelling change: double the p when adding er
Lesson 7Â gardeners
           Lesson focus: suffix er meaning person or thing that does something
                                   spelling change: drop final e when adding erÂ
                                   homophones: dear, deer
Lesson 8Â planners
           Lesson focus: suffix er meaning person or thing that does something
                                   spelling change: double the n when adding er
Lesson 9Â beginners
           Lesson focus: suffix er meaning person or thing that does something
                                   spelling change: double the n when adding er