The Official Guide to PTE Academic

Discover everything you need to know to prepare for taking or teaching PTE with The Official Guide to PTE Academic. Get a complete overview of the test structure, and find out what you need to know about task types, guidance on managing a computer-based test, preparation strategies, and more.

アカデミックおよび一般学習者向け British English Print and digital 1レベル

About the course

The ideal starting point for teachers and test takers preparing for the PTE Academic test

The Official Guide to PTE Academic provides a complete overview of the test structure. It includes everything test takers and teachers need to know, in order to become familiar with the task types, as well as guidance on managing a computer-based test and preparation strategies.

The Official Guide and its support resources also help test takers practice real-world English skills to prepare for their PTE Academic test. It is an excellent starting point for evaluating reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills, and planning test preparation.

As well as detailed test information, including what to expect on test day and scoring, the course also features one video walkthrough per task type, and other short videos with guidance and help.

Why choose The Official Guide to PTE Academic?

Supports teachers with tips, guidance, model answers, practice tasks and key skills to cover
Features a complete overview of PTE Academic and what to expect in every section
Builds confidence for taking the PTE Academic test

Global Scale of English (GSE)を活用

ピアソンの学習プログラムの中心となる強力なツール『Global Scale of English (GSE)』が、学習者の自信を高め、モチベーションを維持し、英語能力に関する正確な洞察を提供します。





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