Fully integrated with a range of Pearson courses, MyEnglishLab provides interactive activities and powerful online tools that help to motivate students. By replacing your workbook with MyEnglishLabyour students can access instant feedbackand audio, video and activities in one place, while you get instant marking.

MyEnglishLab at a glance
MyEnglishLab is available with wide variety of coursebooks from Pearson. Each coursebook has its own, individual MyEnglishLab.
It's an online homework or self-study tool that contains a bank of exercises to support the material that is covered in each lesson. Teachers assign exercises and students complete them on their PCs, iPads or tablets, at school or at home.
The exercises are graded automatically and teachers receive a very helpful analysis of their students’ engagement and progress.
You not only see the individual grades and how long it took your students to complete their work, but also which exercises the students found most and least difficult. This flexible system is perfect for students who need to work independently and for teachers who have limited contact hours with their students.
With MyEnglishLab you:
- get better students' results
- get more students' support
- get more time for your students.
How does it work?
1. Teacher deliver their lesson and assign self-study work on MyEnglishLab.
2. Students complete assigned exercises, get instant grades which is also sent to their teachers.
3. Feedback from MyEnglishLab helps teachers with a preparation for the next lesson.
Benefits for students
- Automatic grading of exercises
- Immediate feedback on errors
- Self-evaluation with insight into their current level
- Increases motivation, enhances confidence and improves performance.
Benefits for teachers
- Insight into the results of the class and the individual student
- Ability to respond to the individual needs of students (differentiation)
- More time for language production in class
- MyEnglishLab correction saves time and gives structure to English classes.