Does mindfulness really work? Can it help your students?

Amy Malloy
Amy Malloy
A young girl meditating outside in a green space

What is mindfulness?

The term mindfulness refers to a state of awareness. This is arrived at by paying conscious attention to the present moment and observing it without judgment, with curiosity and compassion.

It is often confused with meditation, but really they’re not the same thing at all. Meditating and focusing on the breath is just one of the ways we can consciously pay attention and become more aware of ourselves and the present moment. 

You might be conscious that mindfulness has grown enormously in popularity over the last decade. As with anything trendy, it can be easy to build preconceptions and dismiss it before trying it yourself. So let’s break it down together and start with the basics.

Why is mindfulness important?

Have you ever been driving somewhere in the car and noticed that you’ve arrived at your destination without really noticing the journey at all? All your thoughts on the way were elsewhere.

This is called being on automatic pilot. It’s a symptom of our mind and body’s brilliant way of turning our everyday processes into a routine. It means we don’t need to think about it every time we need our body to move, speak or function.

Just as the scenery can pass us by on a journey, so too can our thoughts and reactions to the things happening around us. They happen in our minds and bodies without us noticing. Our conscious mind is focused on something in the future, the past, or in our imaginations instead.

Being on automatic pilot is often very helpful. But it also comes with a significant downside. Without us even realizing, negative thought cycles can build up under the surface. They can make us feel stressed and anxious.

When this happens our minds conclude that there is a threat and sounds the fight or flight alarm. This stress negatively affects our memories, ability to process new information, and ability to learn.

This is where mindfulness comes in.

Mindfulness helps us catch these habitual thought cycles in their tracks, allowing us to consciously notice negative thoughts. Rather than panicking, we become aware of how we are feeling – and why. We can therefore shift our relationship with our thoughts and emotions so that they don’t seem so challenging anymore.

In a school setting, this can help students regulate the stress surrounding exam pressure. Students can also learn to sit more comfortably with the impermanent emotions of adolescence, which seemed all-consuming and everlasting at the time.

What can our students learn from mindfulness?

Over the past decade, neuroscientific research has discovered that our brains are immensely malleable. Every interaction we have in our day-to-day lives builds connections that affect how our brains and thoughts function. Just like building muscle through exercise, our brain forms new matter in the areas we use most.

In short, we can either continue to cement the habits we’ve already formed or build brain matter in areas that encourage healthier, more positive functioning.

Studies have demonstrated in many contexts that the brains of those who regularly practice mindfulness use different pathways to those who don’t: pathways which allow self-regulation of adrenaline and the stress responses and make it easier to experience external events without the accompanying narrative of critical thought.

Even ten minutes of practicing mindful awareness a day has been demonstrated to strengthen these healthier pathways in the brain. Mindfulness has also been shown to improve concentration and focus, resilience, emotional regulation and sleep quality in children, teens and adults alike.

How can we begin to practice mindfulness?

We start by learning to focus attention on a physical anchor. This may be focusing on the body, the breath, or even using the senses to observe sounds, sights, tastes, touch etc. in our external environment. We then build the length of time we can focus, and grow accustomed to the mind wandering and returning to the point of focus.

Then we learn to be curious about what we notice in the present moment and that we can observe without judging or forming an opinion.

In time, it can be possible to learn to observe our relationship with the thoughts that come in and out of our minds. We can then find ways to accept difficult feelings and allow them to pass over without panicking or instinctively reacting.

Want to learn more about mindfulness and wellbeing? Check out our blog posts on the subject here

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    1. Set clear goals

    Before you start, it's crucial to set clear, achievable goals. Whether you aim to hold basic conversations, read professional documents, or become fluent, having a specific target will keep you motivated and focused.

    2. Integrate learning into your daily routine

    Finding time to study can be challenging, but integrating language learning into your daily routine can make it more manageable:

    • Commute time: Use your commute to listen to language podcasts or audiobooks.
    • Lunch breaks: Dedicate 15-20 minutes of your lunch break to review vocabulary or grammar.
    • Evening wind-down: Spend 10 minutes before bed practicing speaking or writing.

    3. Use online resources

    Modern technology provides a plethora of tools to help you learn a new language without disrupting your schedule:

    • Language learning apps: Apps like Mondly by Pearson allow you to practice during your commute or lunch break.
    • Podcasts and audiobooks: Listen to language lessons during your commute or workout.
    • Online courses:  Many websites offer structured courses that you can complete at your own pace.

    4. Stay motivated

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    • Track your progress: Keep a journal of your language learning milestones and achievements.
    • Find a study buddy: Partner with a colleague or friend who is also learning the language to keep each other accountable.
    • Reward yourself: Treat yourself when you reach your language learning goals.

    5. Explore company resources

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    • Language classes: On-site or online language classes.
    • Learning platforms: Subscriptions to language learning platforms.
    • Education reimbursement: Financial assistance for language courses as part of professional development.

    6. Use your work environment

    If your workplace has international colleagues, take advantage of this opportunity to practice. Try to speak with them in their first language or ask for help with pronunciation and vocabulary. Not only will this provide real-world practice, but it will also strengthen your professional relationships.

    7. Be consistent and patient

    Consistency is key when learning a new language:

    • Daily practice: Even 10-15 minutes a day can lead to significant progress over time.
    • Patience: Language learning is a gradual process. Celebrate small milestones and remain patient with your progress.

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    Myth 1: "You need to start young to be fluent"


    It's never too late to learn a new language. While children may pick up accents and intonation more easily, adults often have the advantage of better-developed cognitive skills and life experiences that can aid in understanding complex grammar and vocabulary. Numerous studies have shown that adults can achieve fluency with dedication and the right learning strategies.

    Myth 2: "You have to live in a country to learn the language"


    Thanks to technology, you can immerse yourself in a new language without leaving your home. Tools like language learning apps, online courses, virtual tutors and even social media can provide ample opportunities for practice and immersion. Living in a country where the language is spoken can be beneficial, but it is not a necessity.

    Myth 3: "You must be naturally gifted to learn languages"


    Language learning is less about innate talent and more about consistent practice and effective methods. Anyone can learn a new language with the right mindset and resources. Persistence, motivation and using varied learning techniques can significantly enhance your ability to learn.

    Myth 4: "It's all about memorizing vocabulary"


    While vocabulary is essential, language learning involves much more than rote memorization. Understanding grammar, practicing speaking and listening, and getting a feel for cultural nuances are equally important. Engaging in conversations, reading and writing in the language can make the learning process more holistic and enjoyable.

    Myth 5: "You can't learn multiple languages at once"


    Learning multiple languages simultaneously is possible, though it does require careful planning and organization. The key is to manage your time effectively and ensure that you are not overwhelming yourself. Using different methods and tools for each language can help keep them distinct in your mind.

    Myth 6: "Watching movies and listening to music doesn't count as learning"


    Consuming media in your target language can be an excellent way to improve your listening skills and cultural understanding. Movies, TV shows, music and podcasts expose you to natural language usage, slang and colloquial expressions that textbooks may not cover. It's a fun and engaging complementary method to more formal study.

    Myth 7: "If you can't speak perfectly, don't try"


    Perfectionism can be a significant barrier to language learning. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. The more you practice speaking, the more confident and proficient you'll become. Focus on communication rather than perfection, and don't be afraid to make errors—they're your stepping stones to fluency.


    By debunking these myths, we hope to encourage more people to take up the challenge of learning a new language. Remember, the most important factors are consistency, practice and a willingness to learn from mistakes.

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